Chapter 5

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Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long! I just didn't have any inspiration and I'd rather wait a long time and update a halfway decent chapter than feel pressured and post a horrible chapter that just sucks so please show me you're reading and vote or comment! I'd really appreciate it and it motivates me to want to update more! Anyways onto the actual chapter!


 The minute I walked through my bedroom door I collapsed, knees falling onto plush carpet. The jetlag kicked in late, but brutal like a freight train none the less. I was just so damn exhausted; it took I could to crawl my way over to the queen sized bed and onto the mattress that, in my tiredness, felt more like a cloud in heaven then anything man-made. As much as I wanted sleep my mind couldn’t help but wander to that afternoon’s events. While we were at the restaurant the cashier had shamelessly flirted with me. I suppose he was good looking. But he was definitely not my type. Not that that would matter, I wasn't allowed to get close to anyone anyways. He was way too cocky and forward for me. The entire time he smirked and flicked his blonde hair out of his eyes. He kept looking at me like I was some sort of object or something. And there was no way in hell I would give him any sort of satisfaction.

After practically contemplating the meaning of life my mind finally shut up enough for me to fall asleep and finally delve into the thick sleep I’d been craving from the minute I woke up. Although, I was pulled from the oh-so sweet siesta when Clodagh had nudged me awake.

“C’mon Lovie, time to wake up!” She whispered with a soft voice.

“Nuhhh.” I carped into the pillow. I was soo not in the mood for this early morning shit. But Clodagh insistently nudged me. “Ugh fine, you win. I’m up.”

Clodagh smiled in her victory, lips curling up smugly which was well earned, I’m seriously not a morning person. “The lads are taking you out sight-seeing today too, so dress warm!” She informed and practically fucking flounced out of the room. I groaned and kicked the sheets off my legs and onto the floor to wrench myself out of bed. I stumbled sleepily around the room getting my clothes picked out before I took a shower.

When the boys came to pick me up I was still tripping over my feet in my tiredness. I really couldn’t understand how I was still so tired, it should be humanly impossible to be at this level of exhaustion. I crawled into the van that they had brought to pick me up in and slumped into the back seat and rubbed the sleep from my eyes in an attempt to wake up.

“Good mornin’ sleeping beauty!” Niall shouted in my ear. He was way to goddamn happy for 8 in the morning. I groaned and pushed him away from me.

“Fuck off Niall. I’m not in the damn mood for your bullshit happiness.” I scowled at him, and yes I know I’m pissy and quite a bitch when I’m tired.

“Dang girl…” Zayn muttered under his breath quirking a brow at me.

I sighed and muttered “Sorry… I’m just… I’m still worn out.”

“Oi! Budge up ya’ tosser!” Niall bellowed at Louis as he elbowed him in the side. “My arse needs to fit here!”

“Oh shut up Niall! Don’t get your panties in a bunch!”

“I don’t wear fucking panties Lou!”

“Yeah, Nialler’s not that kinky. Although Lou on the other hand…” Harry joked with a cheeky grin stretched out on his face. His crater-like dimples a tell-tale sign of the genuine smile that not many people get to see these days.

Halfway through the day after going to the London Eye and Big Ben we drove to the infamous Nando’s because apparently I was “an uncultured and deprived child.” Niall’s girlfriend would also be meeting us there and joining us around town. Niall had been practically bouncing off the walls with anticipation and longing for his girl, it was actually really sweet to see him so excited to see her. When we pulled up to the restaurant the eager boyfriend threw the van door open and ran into through the doors where she was already waiting, due to us being a bit late because of the traffic. We watched with adoring smiles on all our faces at the sight of the doting boyfriend sweep a brunette girl up into his arms and spinning her around in such a cliché romance movie way that somehow was still adorable. Realization hit me as it struck me that it was that girl from yesterday. Lexie, I think.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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