You Know Somebody Is Lonely When:..

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Am I the only one who has made a parody of the song Payphone by Maroon 5? Yes? No?

I've only done the chorus, but:

I mix a poultice
For all my ClanMates
Dock leaf and Ju-uu-niper.

Burdock for rat bites,
Catmint for Green Cough
Found at the Two-oo-legplace.

If none of these herbs ever did exist,
No cat would be here or even live.
All of us would be i-i-in StarClan,
Or maybe the Dark For-or-or-orest.

Oh I mix a poultice...

I need a life. ;-;

I've heard they have them at Walmart for 3.99... Hm....

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