Battle Day -Brink

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The crowd cheered as Brink laced his fingers and placed them behind his head, closing his eyes in the midday light. The yearly battle day was occurring below, and Brink found no interest in the Occiden verse Dicio. The insults and curses echoed in the arena below. Boris, a tanverse of the palace, offered Brink shade beneath a large leaf. "no Boris," Brink protested, "I enjoy the sun on my face."

The shade lingered for a moment, but then left, Boris dropping the leaf to his side. A couple of other tanverse Brink did not know by name stood near. A cart behind him held breads, cheeses, fruits and sweets all organized amongst plates.

"Bring me a drink Boris," Brink commanded, kicking his feet up on the balcony railing before him. " a red pomegranate."

With no verbal response Boris turned to the cart and began preparing a drink, glasses clinking. Cheers echoed in the arena, and Brink peeked through his eyes at the winner below; it was Occiden. Brink had guessed that at the very beginning of the battle. He was not impressed in the slightest.

Tanverse of the arena scuttled about softening chairs and preparing water for the next battle. Brink lost interest and leaned back further in his chair, two legs raised up off the ground. He was rested a second before;

"Brink! What in Heaven's name are you doing?!" a familiar voice stuck out above the rest of the crowd, a voice he knew quite well. "Hope, how nice-" Two hands slapped his cheeks and a knee buckled his, and he was suddenly sitting upright, hands on his knees.

"Thank you." Hope, flusteredly began fiddling with her jewelry on her arms, the gold weaved about her arms in simple vinces, light pink cherry blossoms that matched her short summer dress accented them.

"Hey Hope, what's up?" Brink leaned forward and placed his hand upward so he could rest his chin, his long green sleeve falling to his elbow. Hope sat quietly on the bench beside his chair, twisting the silver ring on her right index finger. "You are nervous, what's up?"

Hope turned in her seat and copied Brink's hand to head movement so she could look at him, "you know how to act here, sitting in the highest seat in the entire arena, Domru above all, so act like it." Hope sat up to watch the battle.

Brink sighed, "you can't tell me what to do." Hope only turned her head and raised an eyebrow, "but I will." Brink turned back to the battle, flicked his robe and rested back in his seat.

"Domru Brink," Boris chimed, giving Brink his drink, a small lemon slice over the edge, shadowed by a yellow umbrella.

"Thank you Boris, as you were." the tanverse reported back to his position, far, but close enough to hear any command from Brink.

Hope glanced over to Brink's drink her eyes wide in desire, "Is that pomegranite? This time of year?"

"Uh... Yeah," Brink responded in between sips, "Want some?"

"Oh yes please!" Hope clasped her hands together near her chest, her jewelry sparkling in the light. It curled the word 'Hope' across her forearm, accented with leaves as well.

"Too bad," Brink said, in a high mocking tone, turning away and sipping his drink loudly.

"Hey!" Hope flung herself over Brink at his drink and snatched the glass from his hand. She gulped a large swallow before resuming her position on the chair, knees crossed, back straight. She sipped slowly, closing her eyes and relishing the flavor of the juice.

"I was joking you know." Brink said, snapping his fingers for another drink.

Hope nodded slowly as she removed the glass from her lips, "I know but Brink it's pomegranate!"

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