Night Terrors -Hope

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The fire was crackling, and it warmed Hope's back through her dark blue night gown, almost black in the dim light. She was wrapped in a white blanket, books papers, in and pens laid scattered on the burgundy rug beneath her. Muttering to herself, she shuffled a few papers, and then quietly read allowed. "They announced today that we would be separating into circuits. Mom and dad are upset. Domru Rire said we have to move. I won't see any of my friends anymore. No more people for Eure, or Ravet. We are separated. Only on the battle days are we allowed to see each other, even though we will be sitting as different circuits. I hate the battles. " Hope sat up, took a pen, dipped it in ink and jotted down a few thoughts. How do we move and mingle people without physically moving them? Hope reached up and brushed her hair aside, and then placed the back on of the pen in her mouth, pondering.

What if we switched where they all worked or had a day where everyone could choose where to go for the day and the Dom's could stay and teach their trade, maybe even for a couple of days. She hurriedly wrote those thoughts down, roughly creating a schedule for workshops.

There was movement at the door, Hope jumped as the door opened, Heavy shuffling footsteps, and deep breathing. Hope looked up at the door and Brink stood there, now open in the doorway. His eyes were wide in the night. "Hope?" he whispered, "Hope?!" His voice was loud, terrified.

"Brink are you okay?" Hope asked, setting own her pen, and staring to stand.

Brink stepped back, blinked, shook his head, and looked down, then slowly looked up and around, as though seeing his surroundings for the first time. His hair was tousled and his bedrobe was wrinkled. Hope stepped forward, concerned at his appearance. "Brink are you okay?"

He met his brown eyes to her blue ones, and seemed to relax. "Yes, I am okay, what just happened exactly?" Brink ran his hands through his hair, looking confused, and a little bit tired.

"You were sleepwalking I think." by this point Hope was not leaping over her research to meet Brink.

"Sleepwalking?" he looked concerned. "It's been a long time since I have slept walked."

Hope pondered upon Brink's grammar, and then corrected him. "Sleep walked."

Brink squinted his eyes and shook his head. "No. slept walked."

Hope smiled, he evidently was tired. "Sure." she led him to a table near the fireplace, small for studying. Brink leaned his head onto his hands between his knees. "You are so tired Brink."

"I am ok. What time is it?"

"Well into the night, I've been studying. You've been asleep at least a third of the night." Hope said, rubbing his hair, and trying to calm it as she knelt at his side, shivering without her blanket.

Brink met eyes with her. "What are you doing awake?"

"Couldn't sleep" she confessed. "So I came in for research." she ran her fingers through his hair even more slowly, trying to settle his worry for her.

"You need to sleep."

Hope shook her head. "You need to sleep. I have been doing some extra research on the Immersion Era. People were angry, confused, and bitter towards Domru Rire, the Domru your grandfather kicked off the throne. We need to avoid the hard feelings. I think we should propose a test and trial day of sorts, allowing any person to try any other talent or trade, maybe have two weeks of this so they can try everything with a couple of extra days. This would test trial the Immersion. It would be a great place to start."

Brink nodded, "Yes that would be a great idea, a dip of a toe into the cold water." He sat up and leaned back in his chair, his right hand up to his chin. He placed his index finger in a curve under his nose, this was his thinking position when he got really tired, as if he needed extra support be his index finger to keep his head up.

Hope smiled to herself, He has grown up so much. He isn't a boy anymore. She glanced at her hand on the armrests of the chair, her jewelry gone, but her hand simplistically, childishly pink by the glow of the fire. I have grown up too. Though she didn't want to admit it.

"Though we would have to schedule it out so everyone can try everything out." Brink went quiet again, then his eyes lit up. "What about having ambassadors for each circuit, that way they can pick a group of people to lead and begin to open new ideas."

Hope nodded, "Good idea, I will work on that." She moved to the fireplace, and sat down, re-wrapping herself in her white blanket, and jotting down the thoughts in her mind. Certain ages, ambassadors, battles, workshops...

Brink came over and sat down next to her. "What have you been reading?" he picked up a book, and read aloud. "This era was from 110 to Dom Rire's reign in 175." Brink laughed. This is no way to get you to sleep. Too many facts. What about a story? Wait right here." Brink jumped up and disappeared behind a bookshelf before Hope could protest.

"That boy." She muttered, She still wouldn't admit he was a man. As Brink was gone, Hope observed the library in shadow. It was welcoming, but more mysterious by the star light through the glass windows, and the firelight. I wonder what Brink's dream was about, Hope yawned, I will have to ask him when he gets back. She pulled her pillow underneath her elbow as she laid down on her side and closed her eyes.

"What about this one?" Brink asked, coming out from behind a bookshelf, a happy twinkle in his eyes. Hope opened her eyes, and recognized the cover of a book. An old tale her father used to read to her before bed.

She smiled, stretched, and nodded slowly, a yawn threatening in the back of her throat. Brink came down next to her and re-covered her with the white blanket, "comfortable?"

Closing her eyes, she nodded.

"You ready?"

Hope looked up opened her eyes, and sat up a little bit. "Brink, what was your dream about?"

Brink stiffened a little, but answered with an even tone. "Nothing important.

"Brink." Hope's voice was sprinkled with concern and worry.

"Once upon a time," Brink began, Hope sighed, and curled back up under her blanket. It was completely evident he did not want to talk about his dream at all. "There was a young bright girl whose name was hope. She was a dancer from Creare. She would go out into the garden everyday to practice."

Hope sat up abruptly. "That's not how it goes! She was a Dunya! She loved the gardens!"She exclaimed.

Brink shook his head, "I am re-writing it just a little, listen." He rubbed the top of her head, tousling her short hair.

She reluctantly laid back down. He is so sweet. Talking about dance helps a lot but it would be more helpful if I could just get up and dance.

"So she would practice, around the rose bushes she would twirl..." Brink continued to read, but Hope dozed and soon her eyelids were closed, and her breathing was steady, as Brink's voice lulled her into a deep sleep.   

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