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Hello my name is... Oh, I've been here so long, I've forgotten my name. Now that I think about it, I don't remember much anymore. But what I do know is that it's dark, so very dark, only one window for me too look out of, but there's never anything there, I can never seem to find the door to leave, the only light comes from the window and this room seems to go on forever.

Every once in a while, a boy will come to the window and look out with me, each time it's a different boy though. They always come but never see me, it's as if I'm a ghost. But one day another boy came to the window and started talking. I figured he was talking to himself like some of the others have before but he looked down at me, I assume it was because he was expecting an answer. I looked up at him curiously.
" what's the matter? Can't you talk?" He asked,
"What would be the point if there is no one here to answer?" I replied.
He thought for a moment then said "fair enough, but why sit by the window? The door is right over there" he gestured toward the left "why don't you just leave?"
"I can't see, it's too dark, I can never find it" I explained to him.
"Would you like me to show you, then?" He asked. I nodded my head eagerly wanting to get out of this room, I didn't think I would get another chance to leave if I didn't go with him now, I didn't care that he was a stranger at the time.
He helped me up and held my hand as we walked to the door. He let go of my hand to unlock the door, he walked through but just before I could, the door slammed shut. And I was stuck, alone in the dark room, once again.

Some time later....

"What are we going to do if we can't find a cure?" A woman asked
" honestly," a man answered " I fear her insanity is to saver to cure"

Little did the girl know that the room wasn't dark, in fact, it was pure white. And she didn't sit by the window in silence, but she was chained in the middle of a room screaming for someone to let her out. Out of what, the doctors didn't know, so they locked her up and left her there. Every once in a while a doctor will go in and check on her and feed her, but her screaming was so loud that they couldn't handle it anymore. So they left here there for years and years until the girl died, trapped in her own mind.

The girl in the windowWhere stories live. Discover now