the dream

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My mom ran into the room "was it your dreams again, i thought they were gone?" My mom questioned.

I was frozen I could not move. My body felt like it was paralyzed in fear at what I just experienced in my mind.

Pain was rushing through me and all I could hear from my mom was her screaming in my ear to get me to try to get up. Sooner or later I could move my legs and I was able to get up and walk around, my mom was so fucking scared.

" Was it like all the others?" My mom asked.
" Well this one was a bit different but not much."

i have these dreams of me in a dark room with no windows or doors only a desk and a flashlight but it's locked in the deal and there is no key. There is also this big black dog and it's chained up on one corner of the room and it never could get free. In this dream the dogs Chian snapped in half and it came straight for me with no hesitation, and all of a sudden it stops right in front of me and stairs me strait in the eyes.

But for these dreams there is one thing I can never do. I can never get the flashlight or even look for it with out the dream ending.

When I told my mom how this one ended she right away started to try and figure out what it meant. Maybe it means that guys look at me and think I'm a bad person so they try and kill me and when they look into my eyes they see something different something nice and calming.

I had a choice to tell my friends but I didn't because I don't want them to get worried. I had to go to school the next morning and my mom was telling that I didn't have to, but I already missed so many days for other things and I wanted to catch up with my work. When I got to school all my friends gathered around me and asked me if I was OK, I was confused if I did not tell them about my dreams why would they ask me if I was OK. We head about your break up. Anna said. Wait what break up no one broke up with me? Ya Jake oh he did not tell u yet oooppsss. Anne said. OK then.

When I stared walking away I saw Jake and he stated walking towards me, so I turned around and walk the other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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