what happened???

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I wake up with a pounding headaches.
I slowly open my eyes the first I saw is a beautiful pair of bluish orbs eyes starred at me with so much hatred.?
I was confused and scared at the same time.
I don't know this man,but the hatred that I saw in his eyes is enough to kill me. He was there starring me like I was the disgusted, ugliest creature that he saw in his life.
Well compared to him,who can level up with the highest top model or a Hollywood idol,I myself know i look like a freak creature in his side,but that's not enough to starred me like that.
Enough is enough, I was tired treating like a shit.
But before I can ask him,his deep voiced boom in the room.

"Why!!!!you still alive ha???why can't you just die!?!"

I was stunned in his sudden outburst. His anger over flowing through his body,I didn't know my body began to trembling through fear,then people rushed enter the room and pushed the man to leave the room,before I reacted the man wearing a white coat inject me some kind of a drug that put me in a deep slumber.


"I'm glad you're awake ,you scared me I thought I'm gonna lose you,I'm sorry babe,I'm sorry."

The young brunette man was crying like a mess in my side,
That irritate me even he was totally a package deal of a young jock. Tall,well build that not disgusting and the face that can seduce even a nun.

"Excuse me do I know you?.and PLEASE. DON'T. TOUCH. ME. OK."

the man was shock in my attitude, and I don't care at all beside I don't know who or where m I? Then the door was open and a doctor come in. I feel relieved. At last there someone that I can talk properly.

"Hello there how are you feeling?"

The doctor professionally ask me. And I don't like it a bit,they must treat me specially not some kind of a commoners

"What do you think?of course I'm not feeling well,that's why I'm here."

"Lyka please..."

The man that still I don't know cut me off,that pissed me.

"You shut up!,you still don't answer my question, who the hell are you?and what I am doing in this nasty place?."

The doctor was pissed at my rudeness,even the nurse glaring at me.

"Well you are here at public hospitals, at public room with a public doctor and a public nurse that save you're life."

The doctor sarcastically answer me,I smirk at him.

"Well for someone who in public servant, you have an attitude, that's not nice. You must know you're place."

"Lyka!!! Doc I'm so sorry,she must really hit her head hard that's why she acting like this."

I was totally shock when I heard that man said that to the doctor.

"I'm NOt insane!!!!,."

"Well you acting like one."

Then I feel a sting to my arms the nurse injected me some kind of a drugs that put me to darkness.

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