B1A4 (Baro One Shot)- tried to walk

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Hi, this will be my first one shot! So please tell me how to improve if my way of writing wasn't good enough.

And while reading, imagine that you are the girl whom Baro confessed and if you are a boy, you will imagine yourself as Baro. Enjoy reading! ;)

Baro's POV

The day when I confessed my love to you, you made my heart shattered into pieces. You rejected my love confession and yet you didn't told me the reason.

"What's with the sad face, Baro-ah?" Jin young asked while patting onto my blonde hair with pink ends.

"Oh...um...nothing," I dazed as I was thinking hard about the confession with you.

"This is so not like you, Baro-ah," CNU implied as he was sitting beside me, "you used to be cheerful and concentrative in your studies." and poked his spects.

To tell you the truth, my friends here didn't knew a thing about me and you, who used to be in relationships. Before I could reply to CNU, the class had started. Our first lesson was Korean Language, that's our favourite lesson(me and yours). But something strucked into my attention.

"Madam, you is absent," Sandeul as a represntative of the school reported.

My eyes widened in horror as I quickly took a glance at your seat. Your seat really IS empty! My heart beats have increased in rate as if I'm on a race with those professional runners.

"Um, madam...why is she absent? She's all fine yesterday!" I asked, trying not to be too specific.

"Oh, you mean that you?" the teacher asked, "I overheard that she had transferred to another school."

I'm shocked, totally shocked! As fast as a speed of lightning, I raced out from the class and decided to head for the old place where me had my confession with you.


I walked inside the room, which was used to filled with different kinds of flowers but instead, it was now a cold room, filled with nothing but darkness.


"Hi, you! Glad to see that you have accepted my invitation," I said, brimming in excitement while blindfolding you with my hands.

"Um...thanks for inviting me, Baro-oppa...and um...where are we?" you asked while walking towards the door, blindfolded.

The way you walked was so cute until I wanted to giggle

"Here we are, this will be our small garden, filled with different types of flowers!" I said happily as I released my hands from clamping your eyes.

I led you to a seat while I held onto something behind me.

"You...I know that it might be early for me to do so," I began while opening the box, "so, will you be my girlfriend?"

You remained silent as your usual cheerful face faded away. I slowly helped you to wear the ring but instead, you took it off.

"Mianhe...I can't accept your offer," you said softly and left.

The words that you told me had left a scar in my heart as it could never be healed.

"Wae? I thought you told me how much you had loved me?" I asked, slightly discouraged.

But still, you didn't answer...

I thought of our confession until I found myself sitting on the chair where I gave you the ring. Suddenly, something bright in color caught my pair of onyx eyes. It was your favourite flower, the lavender.

I stood up and walked to where the only lavender was and picked it up. It was still alive after what I had done to this place. With full of determination, I decided to continue my search for you despite the fact that I left the class without telling my pals.


I venture throught the streets alone in the afternoon. I passed through the bakery where you'd usually be seen. After a few minutes of walking, I saw the place we first met, the bridge. Soon, I walked along the bridge which made me reminded of you.

Without knowing a thing, I found myself walking endlessly into the woods. Even though it was quite late, the woods still looked as bright as ever, as if it was still morning. I walked pass the woods safely until I found myself standing in front of a big pond, filled with water lilies.

'Ah...is it already this late?' thought as I looked up to the bright evening sky.

My legs hurts after all the walking. I decided to lie down on the grassy ground. It felt so comfortable. I held up the ring that I wanted to give it to you and gazed at it. Tears rolled down from my sad eyes as I can't seem to know the reason for me to walk all the way to this unknown place.

'Where are you? Why didn't you tell me about it?' my heart yearned for an answer.

My tears can't seem to stop. My vision slowly blurred due to the tears formed in my teary eyes. Suddenly, I heard footsteps which are getting louder as it approaches to my direction.

I sat up and looked at who was walking. Unbearably(idk if there's such word), my teary eyes widened. It was you!

"You! Where have you been? Why didn't you tell me about transferring to another school?!" I asked while trembling a little after crying that much.

You didn't answer me but instead, you took the lavender from my hand and hugged me.

"I'm sorry...I didn't told you about it becausw I didnt want to hurt you plus this is the reason that I rejected your confession..." you said while hugging me even tighter.

I patted onto your back and put on the ring for you. You remained silent but this time, you finally accepted it.

I'm happy that the scar that you had caused had been healed...

I'm glad...

That's the end for Baro's one shot. I know that the ending for this one shot is quite boring. I just can't seem to find a good ending. Anyway, stay tuned for the next one shot! So please vote and/or comment. I'd appreciate both, kamsahamnida!!!

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