Day Two

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Cora Lennox
Day Two of my Journey Through Autumn

I stayed outside for a while last night, watching the sun set and the moon rise. The moon was gorgeous, lighting everything up silver. It would make a lovely painting- I plan on painting a landscape soon.

Now I'm eating breakfast at a small tent stand- some meat and fruit. I've been asked a few times about the reasoning for my visit. I have never agreed with the Season-Rhythm prejudices that occur in Primoria, but unfortunately it appears I will be facing some of these issues.

I've been given some dirty glanced by Autumnians, and fearful ones by others. I hope my time in Oktuber will heal these issues. I want to get to know some of the Autumnians and make peace.

After I finish my breakfast, I plan to walk around the marketplace. I'm fascinated with some of the clothing I've seen here in Oktuber.


I've returned home from my outing. It's been a couple hours since I first left to eat breakfast.

After my meal I walked around Oktuber, looking for some clothes that interest me. I stopped at one stand run by a rather young girl. She said her name was Catalina, and she ran the stand herself. I looked at her tailoring work and I was amazed- her work looked almost Ventrallan. Her work combined the stunning colors of Autumn- reds, oranges, yellows- and I was surprised to learn of her young age.

I stayed for a while and chatted with the young tailor for a while (business was rather slow this morning- not a lot of people were out and about). She didn't seem to care about me being Ventrallan. Instead, she seemed interested in my thoughts on her designs.

I spoke with her for quite a while, looking through her work. I ended up buying a scarlet headscarf (they seem especially popular) along with some other simple outfits.

Autumnian fashion is interesting. From what I've seen, it's made up of many different layers. Cloth is wrapped to give a flowing look while still being practical. I've seen some Autumnians covering their hair and faces, although it's not the same as Ventrallan masks.

Now I plan on going into the woods that are located on the outskirts of Oktuber. I've packed a basket of food for lunch, and I've got some canvas and paints with me to begin a new piece. My Autumnian neighbors (who greeted me when I returned to my temporary home) agreed that if there was anywhere for me to go to be inspired, it would be the Autumnian forests.

I'm off- I'll update when I find a good spot in the woods.


I've found a beautiful spot in the woods, and I'm in awe.

I must admit, I've become a little jealous of the residents of Autumn. Their kingdom is truly lovely. They are able to live in a state of forever fall- in Ventralli, we have mere months to enjoy the color and weather. I'm happy I was able to journey here to find inspiration.

After walking around for a bit in the forest, I've settled down in a small clearing. There's a small stream nearby, and the weather is lovely. I've started my painting- the forest landscape- I'm currently waiting for my first layer of paint to dry.

The forest is absolutely stunning- the magic beneath this Season kingdom has caused the trees to constantly produce colored leaves that are slowly shed. The sound of the stream combined with the leaves blowing around in the wind is so peaceful.

The wildlife is also interesting- as I write this, a deer is walking through the trees across the stream. A large buck- how majestic! I will make a note to add a deer or two to my painting. There are usually birds chirping in addition to the constant sound of leaves shifting around. But the noise isn't deafening or annoying.

It's proof that my surroundings are all alive and real. It's peaceful. If there was silence in the forest, I would be concerned- it would be horribly unnatural. Instead, it feels like the forest is one large being.

The season of autumn has been described as the world taking a deep breath before plunging into winter. I must agree- and being in a world that will be forever cycling through that deep breath is magnificent.

Autumn appears to be extremely balanced- warmer middays, cooler mornings and evening. Foggy mornings, clear night skies. Crisp breezes, only barely avoiding stillness.

The kingdom of Autumn may have difficulties as far as their magical situation- they are at a severe disadvantage in the world without a functioning magical conduit. However, the kingdom is not in a state of panic. The cool-minded Autumnians will steadily heal their kingdom as they wait for magic to return to them.

They are at peace.

I envy them.

Farewell for now,
Cora Lennox

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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