~Rules & Le form~

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Hiya!! I bet most of chu guys know me ^^ and yup, another rp book of le admin. Hope chu guys enjoy~!!!

Lets start of with le rules~!!!!

Please follow THE RULES!!

~Tagging~ Please dont tag me if I didnt reply, Im gonna be busy nowadays so please do be patient

~Individual~ no interupting of chains, PLEASE. This is an INDIVIDUAL RP, no exceptions

~Replying~ dont let me wait for so long please, use {}[]()--// or something if you're not gonna rp

~Third POV~ for those who doesnt know 'Third POV', it means like this "Mia walks around the park as she took a deep breath, remembering something" like that. I dont accept text talk, first person, etc. And its kinda my hobby :/

~OC form~ you may use 2-4 ocs, though if you'll use cannon characters, do tell me and you wont have to put a form

~Permission~ ask permission before you sign up

~Password~ there's password in this section, so please do put it INSIDE your comment with your form

~No Godmode~ Please, no god moding, no ops and no Mary sues -.-

~Fighting~ yes, I allowed fighting though dont just jump into it

~Be detailed~ Please reply for a longer term, I dont accept shorter term like "Mia nods" no, declined "Mia nods as she smiles at him, agreeing on what he was saying" yes, accepted

~Smut~ There's an option about it, please do tell me and dont hesitate

~Warnings~ Warnings are there, three warnings per rper. Dont want a warning, do follow the rules

~Form~ enter your form after you asked permission AND after I told you that you may join, DONT EDIT IT

~My OCs~ My ocs will be there, also their versions, likewise with the cannon characters

~Drama~ Put some drama in your rp, not just lovey dovey -.-

~Afterwards~ If I dont get a reply from you for like a long time, I'll end your rp and delete your comment. Same goes to if you got three warnings

~Cursing Allowed~ Cursing is allowed, yup

~Yaoi rp~ I allowed Yaoi, Straight and Yuri rp. Though Im not good at being a yuri rp

~Characters each~ For each rper, you can only have 3/4 Chapters that you may rp, or you may delete the other to transfer but ONLY 3/4

~Link/Books~ Im not gonna go to books but links are allowed. Be more detailed about your description

~Requests~ I allow requests, if you dont see the character you want, pmed me or tell me in the comment section

~Limitations~ Dont get to over the board, you know your limits, and stay in that limit

~Incests rp~ umm... Yeah sure, its fine, but dont get into the point

~Ships/Couples~ I accept cannon characters, so I'll accept on couples. Like Sonadow, Sonamy, BUT NO SHADAMY! Deal with it!

~Have fun~ The rp might disappear if ya dont

{Passwords: 3 fav. Sonic couples, 3 hate Sonic couples, favorite color, favorite Sonic Character, favorite song, Rate meh book ?/?}

The rules are set!! Lets proceed to le form ^w^


For smut: {optional}

Turn ons:
Turn offs:


Hope chu guys enjoy and please do rate ^^

~{Individual Rp}~{Sonic Rp}~Where stories live. Discover now