House Show

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The past two days spending time with Mikey was perfect, but now I must head to work and do the house show. As usual, Mikey was a mess when I left. Clinging onto me and sobbing into my shoulder. I feel bad leaving him, but I need to make money to support the both of us and live my dream. Luckily, Ashleigh was able to take Mikey for today so I didn't have to worry about not finding a babysitter for him. Maybe one day I'll bring Mikey to work, when he gets out of school for the summer maybe.

Right now, I'm sitting backstage in the women's locker room, getting ready for my match. My usual hair and makeup were already done so all I had to do was tape up my wrists and warm myself up.

What I hate about house shows is there's like no one in the women's locker room. It's only Sasha, Naomi, and I. Naomi doesn't have a match tonight, she's only here because her husband, Jimmy Uso, is going to have a match with Jey against The Dudley Boyz. I guess only have three women out of the women's division here is better than just me being the only woman here. I think I would've shot myself if I was left alone with Seth any longer than the amount of time we have been alone together. Thank god I won't have to deal with him until his match, which is the main event.

"Hey BK, could you help me?" Naomi asked as she sat down in a chair next to mine.

"Of course, what's up?" I asked as I finished my wrists, putting the tape in my bag.

"Lately, Jimmy has been acting strange. He would be sneaking out in the middle of the night when we're home and won't tell me where he's going. When I ask, he gets all quiet and changes the subject. Should I be concerned?"

I sighed, "How long have this been going on for?"

"About three weeks maybe? Maybe two? It just began to happen."

"Alright." I nodded. "I honestly wouldn't be so concerned about it. Don't question Jimmy, wait for him to come to you about it. It's not good to pressure anyone to tell you something when they don't want to share. Maybe it's personal, like something is going on with him and you just don't know it. Maybe he just doesn't want you to know about it. Whatever the reason is, let him come to you first."

"Alright thanks girl, knew I could count on you." Naomi smiled and gave me a hug. I hugged her back before letting go and standing up.

"No problem, let me know what happens." I smiled.

"Of course." Naomi stood up. "I'll catch you later, I'm going to hang with the hair and makeup crew."

"Alright see ya." I watched Naomi leave before turning to Sasha. "You ready for our match?"

"Yep, I promise not to throw you around too much out there. You need to save your energy for the main event." Sasha chuckled and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "I don't need that much energy. All I'm doing is standing ringside and watching. That's not much to do."

"True but still. Got to be cheering Seth on and all." Sasha shrugged.

"Mm maybe." I smiled and heard a knock at the locker room door. "I got it." I walked up to the door, opening it and seeing Seth standing there in his ring attire. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here for Sasha." Seth pushed pass me, walking over to Sasha.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the locker room, walking to the gorilla and decided to get warmed up there. I'm not in the mood to be dealing with Seth, I need to focus on my match with Sasha. Once I got to the gorilla, I began to stretch and warm up for the match.


"1...2...3!" The referee counted as he hit his hand on the mat. The bell rang and Sasha got off of me.

"And you're winner by pinfall, Sasha Banks!"

I groaned and rolled out of the ring, letting my feet land on the mat below me. The fans in the front row booed me and I only smirked at them, waving them off before beginning to make my way backstage. As I got backstage, I felt a sharp pain in my right ankle. I groaned and walked carefully to not hurt it. As I seen Seth in view talking to Roman and John, I fastened my walking pace a little bit. When I went to walk past them, someone hugged my waist from behind, lifting me off of my feet.

"Hey kiddo." Roman said and I smiled lightly, patting his arms.

"Hey Ro, could you put me down now? I need to get to the locker room." I looked back at him and he shook his head.

"I don't really feel like it." Roman chuckled.

"Please?" I asked and he sighed, putting me back down on my feet. Pain sung through my ankle, but I ignored it. "Catch you later." I walked away as quick as I could, trying to make it look like I wasn't limping or had any pain in my ankle.

The minute I got to the locker room, I sat down in the same chair I was in earlier and took off my right shoe and sock, taking a look at my ankle. It was starting to swell on the ball of my ankle. I sighed and began to feel around on it, debating whether or not to go to the training room to get it looked at. The locker room door opened before I was able to put my sock back on.

"Why does your ankle look swollen?" Seth asked as he walked over.

"It's fine, I must of landed on it the wrong way or something. I'll be fine." I went to put my sock back on but Seth stopped me and kneeled down, grabbing my foot gently and looking at my ankle. "Seth, what are you doing?"

Seth ignored me, continuing to examine my ankle. Okay this is truly weird, Seth hates me. He would love to see me in pain. Why is he even worrying about my ankle? He should be off doing his own thing, like talking to Roman and John rather than being with me.

"You need to get this looked at, you probably sprained something." Seth stood up, holding a hand to me. "Come on, I'll take you to the training room."

I sighed but took his hand and stood up. Seth wrapped my arm around his neck and placed one of his arms around my waist, helping me walk. When we began walking the halls, superstars were giving us weird looks. If I was one of them and saw two enemies helping one of them out, I would be such as confused as well. I'm still really confused as to why Seth is helping me but I guess I should take advantage of this situation since he would never be nice to me ever again.

Once we got to the training room, Seth helped me sit on a chair and he sat down next to me as the doctor examined my ankle. The doctor explained it may be sprained but I should go and get an x-tray tomorrow. Until I get my x-tray, he informed me to not wrestle and to stay off of it as much as possible. He even encouraged me to not go out ringside during Seth's match. After that, the doctor wrapped up my ankle and Seth, once again, helped me walk out of the training room and to the locker room.

"Thanks Seth, for all the help. It wasn't necessary." I shrugged as Seth helped me down into my chair.

"No need to thank me." Seth gave me a small smile before walking out of the locker room, shutting the door behind him.

And I know that will be the last time Seth will ever be nice to me.


Whoa who expected that from Seth? Dang lol.

What do you think will happen next? Will Seth ever be that nice to BK again?

Leave a comment, I would love to know what you guys are thinking!


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