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Dec 24, 2015
Dear Dad,
You know it's two hours till Christmas.
It's the first Christmas I remember spending without you. It's the first Christmas your spending without Leo but I guess that doesn't matter to you now. You know, cause your Muslim and all. Well it's one hour till midnight and I'm remembering all our past Christmases( is that even spelt right). Anyway Leo misses you. He's confused as well he doesn't know what to think of you and don't blame him. You caused a really messed up situation, with our stuff. You haven't replied to anything I've said to you. You haven't replied to anyone, your acting like your some kind of spy. Don't get me wrong it would be cool if it was true but it's not. So it's not cool; it's confusing.
I don't know why you felt the need to lock us out of our family home. Try to press charges against mum and keep all our stuff all our clothes. You left us all alone with just the clothes on our back and a few school books. Why? I don't understand it. Please just tell me. Why? Why, didn't you give me back my books that you knew I needed it study for my exam, my IGCSE. why didn't you give Leo HIS iPad back as a birthday present, why weren't you there on his birthday. Why aren't you here on Christmas. Why are you trying to take Leo away from mum. Why are you lying. Why are you being accused of everything. Why won't you talk to me.
Anyway I just wanted to say I hope that you think what you are doing now is worth losing everything. And I'm not talking about your wife you lost her long ago. I'm talking and your kid ( or kids I don't know if I'm included anymore ) your reputation, dignity , morals and the respect and admiration I had for you.
Well it's 40 minutes till Christmas. And as you can see if you even read this- probably not - this have taken me a while to write. So all I have to say is that it's 40 minutes to Christmas and are you happy? Was all this stress and effort necessary, hiding from us. Not telling us where you are. Lying. Are you going to be happy when that clock strikes midnight ?

Your daughter ,I guess.

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