Chapter 16 The Arrival Of News

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I would firstly like to begin by apologising profusely for the super long wait I put my lovely readers through.

So erm

I'm sorry...

This is the final chapter of this story. Thank you all for sticking with me through this random thing. Imma stop with the sentimental shizzle because I want to start.

Not that's over with I want to give a warning

This chapter may contain feels.


Allons y


Sherlock's POV

I looked around. Where had he gone? I was just talking to...

"I'm back!" I heard a voice.

John walked into the living room.

"Where were you?" I snapped at him irritably.

He furrowed his eyebrows and help up a plastic bag.



"Yeah well maybe once in a while you could go and get it!" he shouted suddenly.

I said nothing.

John simply sighed and walked over, dropping something on the sofa next to me. I strained my eyes away from the middle distance and looked at it.

It was a newspaper. With a picture of Evanna on the front.

I read of her wondrous ability. Of her talent. Of her intelligence. Of her, well, Holmes personality.

"She's doing great isn't she?" John asked me.

"Yes," I replied. "She certainly is."

I put down the paper with a sigh. I couldn't help but think back to Moriarty and his words.

A storm was coming.

And I needed to ready myself.

Evanna's POV

I sank down against the wall and buried my face in my hands.

"No. No! NO!" I moaned in anguish.

I sobbed into my scarf. His scarf.

This wasn't real. It couldn't be real.

"Why?" I whispered to the ceiling, as if he could somehow hear me.

I shook my head, wiped my tears, and breathed out so deeply, as if to expel all emotion and grief from my heart.

The newspaper headlines flashed before my eyes, two words standing out indefinitely.



Everything he had done; all of his guidance. He was the only one who managed to help me find myself. It was only thanks to him I had made headlines -made something of my life.

That wasn't an illusion. I knew it was real. My mind never lied to me.

And my mind now told me:

He wasn't dead.

I whispered one sentence. In defiance to Moriarty.

"I believe in Sherlock Holmes."


Update: the sequel to this book, called The Bane of the Isis, is now available. Should you wish to read :)

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