Chapter 1

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-1 month later-

Mason laid in his bed sulking miserably Watching his computer screen as messages popped up all over the place. He hadn't Awnsered a single one since the big fight with Megan. The song Rhythm of Love plaid through his speakers as he picked up a stray tissue blowing into it. "We may only have tonight-" He choked out and then stopped, beginning to cry again.

His dad banged on the door and he sniffles. "Come in," he whispered and the door creaked open. "You know this is not Doing anything for you," his dad said with a raised brow and rolled his eyes. Mason shrugged and looked down and his dad Anthony pursed his

Lips. "Son your coming with me to work today." He said opening mason's blinds and mason winced shielding his eyes from the afternoon sunlight. "Why?" he Asked. "Because I told you so." Mason grumbled under his breath and scooted under the covers but then his dad ripped them off.

"I mean it ,be ready in 20 minutes." Mason sighed and flipped off his dad then stormed to the bathroom. His father gave a heavy sigh and Mason padded to the bathroom making sure to stomp extra loud so his father new he was absolutely ticked. "This is sooo unfair." He muttered under his berth rolling his eyes. "This fucking house, is a fucking prison on planet suck my freaking-" His father cut him off. "Finish that sentence and the next thing you say will be cut off and stuffed down your throat so far you'll be peeling outta ur butthole."

Mason blinked an shut his mouth slamming the door behind him.


The ride to work was all but silent except for Bruno Mars blaring from the radio. "If you ever leave me baby...Leave some morphine at my door....Cuz it would take a whole lot of medication, to realize what we used to have we don't, have anymore... There's no religion that could save me... No matter -" His dad cut off the radio as the stopped in front of his family's pizzeria. Best pizza in the state people from all over came to taste They're pizza.

It had been in the family for generations and one day it would probably be his. His dad looked at him gruffly and got out of the car. "Come on Son we don't got all day ya hear?" Mason nodded getting out and followed his dad into the shop. "Okay now Mason I'ma go in the back and start making some fresh pie's why don't you wipe down the table's and wait for the new employee to arrive. You can show him the ropes." Mason began to protest but his dad cut him of with a glare.

"Not today mason, not today."

Mason rolled his baby blues and began getting the place spiffy waiting for the new kid to arrive. At a quarter to 10 a boy about 6'4 walked in towering over Mason's 5'9 frame. the boy had Carmel skin, green eyes and dark brown locks that fell Into his face. he gave a stunning smile which made Mason fell uncomfortable because well... Let's just say Mason looked like Carrot Top next to Taylor laughter. He was a ginger with freckles and pasty skin.

Yea girls seemed to like him Ecspecially his dimples but his masculinity stood in question to the new guy. "Hi I'm Mason." He squeaked out and then cleared his throat. "I mean I'm mason." he said in a slightly deeper voice. The guy chuckled and when he spoke his voice was laced with a slight accent mason had no word for. "I'm...Noah." the Guy said raising a brow and smirking. "I just moved here from Spain."

Mason nodded suddenly understanding the accent. "Oooo... well I'm Mason.... already said that of course... but I've lived here in Ohio all my life." Noah nodded looking perplexed. "Okay" he finally said in a who cares attitude and the look vanished from his face. "So let's get started shall we?" Mason murmured and showed Noah all around and the finally after and hour Noah stopped him when Mason was babbling. On and on about the bathroom stalls.

"When's my break?" he said although unrudely. "Ummm... I guess it could be now?" Noah nodded and pulled mason into an empty booth. "So what's your deal the whole time you've been showing me around your eyes have been puffy and you just look plain dead." Mason scrunched up his nose and Noah chuckles.

"Ya know I can make you forget about whatever is on you mind, seriously come to my place today and you'll regret nothing." Noah said grinning idiotically and mason looked doubtful until Noah gave him a playful shove. "okay okay...we'll go after work"

Noah grinned wickedly. "Perfect"

Mason sighed, fearing he was already gonna regret this, and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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