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I need to say this because every time something happen I get pissed and so angry that I almost explode. Someone had the fucking audacity to underneath Lauren's most recent Instagram post and say that they should treat their fans better. How fucking dare you say that I mean it pisses me off and thank god this person and many others notice and lashed back. I think this person put it in the best words. Yes Lauren called us disrespectful and hell its sad to say I don't blame her because everyone who do the stupidest bullshit on social media and try to hack their phones. Then the ones who don't participate in any of that have to suffer. I can honestly say I have never and nor will ever participate in the hate or invasion of privacy of the girls. I love and care for them so to see them unhappy or upset really hurts and pisses me off. Why can't we just be a fandom that doesn't do bullshit that makes them feel uncomfortable or disappointing. Sorry I had to rant guys because it honestly had gotten beyond the border line. Then they wonder why Camila and Lauren don't hang out like they used too or even how sometimes the girls seem distant from Camila. Why do you think? Oh wait maybe it's because some of you guys comment and talk negative. I really just needed to get that out sorry.

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