chapter one

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"Help me! Someone please help!"

"Fuck, what the fuck is that noise?" Jai yells as he wakes,

There is a terrible noise coming from outside. Jai sits up in his bed frightened from what he can hear. Is that a girl? What if she needs help? Could I help her? To his surprise there was a girl laying in the middle of his front garden. So many different questions, all spinning around his head needing answers. As Jai approaches the window, he could see the girl laying there. Is she dead? He felt nauseous, scared and helpless. What the hell do I do? I can't help her I'm just me, Jai Rivers, the captain of the baseball team. Do I go and see if she's alive? What if she really needs help or if she's drunk?

"Fuck! What the fuck do I do now?" No one was home except for Jai, well except for the girl laying in the middle of his front lawn.

"Damn it!" Jai yells as he walks out his front door to go and investigate. " Hello? Are you okay? Do you need any help?" Jai says startled about what he sees in front of him. She seemed to be in her mid-teens around 16. She's all bruised and battered, cuts all along her arms and legs. She's wearing only a night gown, she seems to be breathing but only faint. Jai picks her up to bring her inside to warm her up, she's cold to touch. When he picks her up her body seemed lifeless, like she was dead. He places her on his bed and goes into the kitchen to get her a glass of water and something to eat for when she wakes.

Jai had been sitting here for ages now. Staring at this girl, confused as to what had happened and what was going to happen next. Hours later she awakens startled and confused on her whereabouts.

"Where am I? Who are you, are you going to hurt me?" Her speech rushed showing she was frightened.

"Its okay, I'm not going to hurt you. The names Jai, Jai Hastings, I found you passed out on the front lawn. Are you okay? Do you need anything? Was someone trying to hurt you?" Jai questions scared for both her and himself.

"Okay, my name is Anastasia, Ana for short. Thank you for helping me but you didn't have to." Shit! Now his going to get hurt just like me and I can't change that. And why does he have to be so fucken hot?! Now I have to try and stop this from happening to him. Ana was scared, scared about what happened to her and now what is going to happen to the both of them.

"You shouldn't have helped me, now he is going to get you too!" Ana cried "I'm so fucken stupid!" She was hysterical.

"Ana calm down. What happened? What's going to happen? Stop crying its going to be okay!" Jai tried to sound strong but you could hear he wasn't. He was starting to get really scared now.

"He raped me!" Ana screamed. "He tried to kill me cause I tried to escape, but when I did I ran, ran far away from him until I heard him come after me. That's when I passed out, I don't remember much else until now," she was really crying now, her face was red and covered in tears, cuts and bruises.

"Ana its gonna be okay, we are going to be okay." Jai didn't sound too sure, but it was enough to make Ana feel more comfortable. "Would you like to go take a shower and I'll get you some clean clothes for you to change into?" He didn't have the courage to ask who was after them and what he was going to do to them.

"Yes please, only if that's okay with you." All she wanted was to forget the past and what had happened to her. As she followed Jai towards the bathroom there was a loud banging on the front door.

"Ana, its your Daddy! Come out I know you're in there! I'm not going to hurt you, I promise!"

"Shit! Jai hide me please, I can't face him again!" Ana started to panic, she was red and crying again.

"Who is it Ana? I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise!" Jai seemed worried and a little bit scared.

"Its my father, the person who did this to me!" She says as she gestures towards her body. "You can't let him take me Jai, he will kill me and than he will come back for you! I can't let anyone hurt you because of me!" Her words a stutter as she cries. The banging on the door was getting worse, with every bang getting louder than the last.

"Quick Ana put these on and come with me, he won't hurt you. I won't let that happen okay?" Jay says as he hands Ana some warm clothes and some shoes. Jai has an older sister who has now moved out and gone to collage, she left some clothes behind if she was to come back and visit. But that was 6 years ago now. As Ana changes, Jai throws on an old pair of sneakers and grabs a backpack and in it he puts 2 jumpers, a torch, 2 water bottles, whatever food he could get from the kitchen and his phone. Once he had what he needed he grabbed Ana's hand and pulled her through the back door and ran, just as they were out the back door, the front door flew open with a massive thud!

"Ana! Where are you? You can't escape me Ana dear, I'm your father you will always come running back!"Ana's father yells from inside the house when he sees the back door open and the two of them running across the back field and over the fence.

Ana and Jai had been running for hours when they came to a stop. "Ana, what else has he done to you? Why are you so afraid of him? Why is he coming after us?" Jai had all these questions running wild in his head needing answers knowing that he might not get any.

"Its so hard to explain now, all I can say is he wants me dead and there is nothing that can change it..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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