Chapter 2

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  "What do you want from me?"
"Do you think you are in any position to speak like that?"
"Yes, actually. You took off my shackles for me. Give me a reason and I will burn this place to the ground."
The witch looked up at the so-called king with disdain and irritation. She has been abducted from her home and brought here, where she already had the chance to experience inhumane pain from both the spell and the self-inflicted wound. Her patience was running out, but she decided that hearing them out wouldn't hurt. There obviously had to be a very good reason for them to capture and torture her this way, right?

If not, she was going to raise Hell.

"Ageha, I know that we haven't been the best hosts, but I need to ask a favor of you. Please, come closer. The rest of you, leave us."

The six young men swiftly left the hall and the female carefully made her way up the steps. Before long, she stood in front of the King, whom she should fear, but in a few seconds, his demeanor changed to a tired and worried one.

"Ageha, I have called you here for two reasons. The first reason is that lately our enemies have been attacking us for and more often and they have become even more ruthless. Some of our secrets have been leaked out and I am worried about the safety of my people. I know for a fact that strong witches have powers beyond those of warlocks. I would like to request your assistance, since you live not so far away from here and you might get involved sooner or later."

The young witch stayed silent for a few moments, but then lifted her head and nodded.
"Very well. I will assist you. What else did you need my help with?"

"Listen, Ageha, this request is coming from me not only from a King, but more from a helpless father. My son is already of age, but he hasn't found his mate yet. He has fallen in love with a young girl named Yuma. He is very happy with her and I think that he may be blinded to the truth."


"My trusted men have been spying on her and I suspect that she isn't as innocent as she seems. I think that she might be the one that is giving our secrets away. But even so, Yoongi is terribly stubborn, he won't listen to me if I tell him that, but I still worry about his safety. I beg of you, please protect my son."

"Protect your son? How?"

"I mean please be his bodyguard. I am asking this of you because I know that you will be able to do so and you will see my point of view."

"What do you mean? Can't you talk to the boys that were with me a few moments ago?"

"I can't. They either don't believe me or they don't want to go against their friendship with Yoongi. Please. I just want you to look after him. You don't have to be with him all the time, I know witches can protect from a distance, and I will repay you, of course. Whatever you want, just name it."

The young girl hesitated. She couldn't ignore the heartfelt plea, so she once again nodded her head and let out a heavy sigh.

"Thank you so much. Let's go."

"Go? Go where?"

"I want you to meet my son."

'This is going to be so awkward and weird. Ugh, let's just get this over with.' The witch's face was grim and portrayed discomfort.

They swiftly made their way out of the hall and down a few dark corridors. The temperature kept getting colder and she could hear a few voices in the distance. As they got closer, two distinct voices could be heard: a young man's voice and the giggles of a young girl. The voices could no longer be heard and the witch was standing in front of another grand doorway.

The King opened the doors and the witch was greeted with the view of an enormous bedroom. The King led the young woman into the room and two figures stood from their positions on the bed. The witch's gaze first fell on the girl standing on the left and her eyes widened. It was her.....

She recognized her as well and a look of hatred flashed through her eyes and a slight smirk could be seen before she went back to her innocent look.

'No wonder he was suspicious of her. This pig is at it again!"

Then she diverted her attention to the boy and her eyes widened for the second time. Her heartbeat became uneven and her breath hitched. He had a similar reaction, but before he could notice, she quickly composed herself and looked the other way.

Both of them had the same feeling, but neither of them dared to say anything out loud.


The situation just got much more complicated...  

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