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Since I left you guys hanging yesterday, I decided to make a longer chapter (actually happened on accident, but shhhh), so sorry?


After a while of awkwardly sitting there, you drifted off, small snores sounding across the room. Katsuki turned to you, making sure you were asleep, and sighed. You looked peaceful, and you were clinging onto his bed sheets. He looked away, and rested his chin on his hand, which he propped up against his knee. He sat crossed legged, looking out the window, at your house. "Katsuki." His mother stated, as he turned around, looking at her, confused. "Do you like this girl..." She stated, looking at your lying figure.

Katsuki looked back out the window, trying to figure it out himself. All of his life, he had never met anyone as nice to hang out with, although you could be a complete pain sometimes, you were kind, and cared so much about others, and forgot about yourself. Mostly everything you did that got you hurt, was to save someone else, or because someone did something to you, but you never said anything. He turned to you, remembering at least two of those times was because of him, and his rage that he manifested at you.

"You must." His mother said, walking to where he was, and sitting next to him on the bed, looking at you. "You could of brought her to a hospital, or anywhere else, but you chose here. You have never done that for anyone else." She stated, Katsuki glaring slightly at her. "You brought her here, because you wanted to stay with her, didn't you?" She asked, as Katsuki realized what he subconsciously did. He nodded, looking back out the window, and frowning. "You didn't realize?" She asked, as he shook his head, and she stood.

"Makes sense. You must be confused by all of this. Just follow your heart." She said petting the top of his head, and walking out. 'This girl,' she thought, 'She has brought out a different side of him. Hasn't she.'

_______________________________________________________________After a while, you woke up, feeling extremely drowsy, but you were surrounded by warmth, and you didn't open your eyes. You just nuzzled into what was giving you the comforting warmth, that made you sleepy. Then you felt the warmth move, and you snapped your eyes open, to see an asleep Katsuki facing you, your legs intertwined, and his arms wrapped around you. You immediately started burning, as you oogled him. You tried to get out, but he pulled you back, closer to him. Your noses were touching, and he looked majestic (because he wasn't a ticking time bomb while asleep).

You lied there for a while, just staring at him, as sleep began to overtake you again. Your drowsiness continued to grow, until your eyes slowly shut, and the world around you disappeared, only warmth.


"DINNER!" His mother yelled from the kitchen, but after five minutes, decided to check on you. He found you two asleep on Katsuki's bed, Katsuki looking like he was protecting you in a way, the way he wrapped himself around you, and you seemed to envelop yourself in his embrace. His mother smirked, took out a phone, climbed on top of a nearby desk, and took several photos of you two. She laughed slightly, as she went back outside of the room, and to the kitchen, putting your servings in the fridge, and eating hers.

She then proceeded to write a note saying that there were leftovers in the fridge, and she recommended you stay the night, so that the stitches would work better. (Actually because she shipped you and Katsuki, but shhhhhh)


Your phone began ringing, as Katsuki opened his eyes, to find you in his embrace, him holding you closer than ever, and your noses touching, and you being asleep. "Y-Y/N?" He whispered, so confused at the fact that you were in his grasp, fast asleep, and he didn't want to wake you, because he did not feel like explaining this. He tried moving away, but you pulled him back, and mumbled something into his chest. He stared at you in awe. Since when were you so wanting? Since when did your hair fall like that onto his bed, and your body be surrounded by his. Your phone was still ringing, and you mumbled another thing.

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now