This is what sky looks like in my head :D

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Hi pandallamas so I have this image of sky in my head and I found a picture that kinda reminds me of her

I think of her as kind of a emo girl, emo girls are amazing seriously I live their hair :D

So here's the link so if you like it you can tell me and if you hate it then you have the permission to rant

Also here is her profile I think hehe

Name: Skyler Mackenzie Conners

Age: 16 (at the moment)

Birthday: 26 of December 1991

Parents: Steven Conners and Jenny Moore (Robert Collins- Stepdad)

Siblings: a three year old sister called Libby and a 21 year old brother called Adam

Personality: she's outgoing and funny, people thinks she's weird but she says she's limited edition

Boyfriends: Aidan McDonald (12-14) Colm Summers (14-14) and Daniel Howell (now her current boyfriend)

Best friends: Alex Day,Carrie Hope Fletcher and Harry Styles

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2013 ⏰

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