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Rose in the media

Rose's POV

"What you do for your fee period?" Shane asked me. I couldn't tell her i was almost choke to death by the mute thug. His own words were, I'll find you then I'll kill you and i wanna live

"Bitch I'm talking to you!" Shane snap me out of my thoughts .

"Just the usual write in my journal." I said she groaned.

" you so boring." She added i just shrug. We were making our way to her house. My mom would picked up Bella after school. She opened the door to her house i spotted her brother and some of his friends.

"Why are you and your dorky friend here?" He asked shane she just sighed.

"Jason, why you always bring your musty friends here. If you wanna play video games they have a house too. You bring company over and so can i. So butt out my fucking business!" She screamed at him causing me to flinch.

"I just asked a simple question drama queen." He said. He friends laughed He glanced at me and smiled. I smile back Shane grab my hand and lead me up the stairs to her room.

"Damn that nigga gets on my fucking nerves," she complained about her brother. I like her brother. As in had a small crush for him last year but I'm over him. But we never went out and I didn't tell shane about it.

"What you wanna do?" She asked.

"Homework then Netflix?" I asked, she nodded.
Jason came busting through the door while we were in the middle if watching black-ish.

"Mama said to run to the store for real quick." He said to Shane.

" why can't you do it?" She huffed

"Because she told you to." He replied She huffed again and got up. Soon as she left the room. It got quiet I look up to see him already starting at me. I look down and blushed.

" why you blushing?" He asked me with a chuckle behind it. Those words made me blush even harder from embarrassment. He sat down next to me on the bed.

"I don't think your dorky you know that right." He said to me. I just nodded His phone rang. He looked at it and back at me.

"I gotta take this." He said I nodded After that he left the room.

I check the time and saw it was 7:34 pm. Oh my god I'm so late for dinner, I got up and pack my bag with my homework. I rush downstairs, I walked into the kitchen to see shane's mom.

"Bye Sofia, can you tell Shane i went home," i said She nodded

"Bye." She said. I ran out the door and ran to the bus stop. I catch a bus and went home.

When I opened the front door i went straight to the kitchen to see my mom cleaning up.

"Mom." I said She turn around looking pissed.

"Where were you. Your curfew is at 6. Its 8:12." She said I sighed.

"Sorry i lost the track on time." I said truly.

"Its late rose. This is not the neighborhood to be in at this type of night. You could've been killed god for bid." She worries to much.

"I'm here mom." I said  to her.

"Go to your room. If you want dinner its in the fridge help yourself." She said turning around and going upstairs. I sighed and took my dinner and microwave it.

Gosh sometimes this lady worries way to much.

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