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I fixed my hair, tucking the delicate mask over my face. I looked in the mirror to make sure everything was in order. I was wearing a pink dress today, the softer cloth I've ever had touched. I don't usually wear light colors, but today was a special occasion.

Not that I didn't like pink. Oh no, with my dark hair was one of the colors that looked great on me. The problem is that I'm a little... what is the right word to say it? Clumsy. Plain and simple I was too clumsy, and light colors were an obvious problem. I have a theory that stainshaunt me to soak on my clothes, so technically it's not my fault.

It's probably the same reason why I can't find my vocation. Seriously, I've tried everything. I'm horrible drawing, when I try to paint, the whole table, my hands and possibly other people finish stained with paint. And don't make me tell you about the time I tried to carve wood. I'm just saying that people shouldn't give me sharp objects.

However, that didn't stop me from keep trying. But not now. At this point I ran to my work, one in which I couldn't screw up... usualllly. I left home to walk the streets of Rintiero. I couldn't help but marvel at seeing all those colors before my eyes. I never get tired of it, no matter I've seen the same scenario since the day I was born.

I was walking so distracted that I bumped into a man who was passing by. I apologized, but he still stared at me with a bad face. How rude! I sighed. This used to happen to me quite often. Natallia thinks it's because I have attention deficit disorder. Or because I'm daydreaming about some artist that invades my thoughts.

As if she had heard me naming her in my head, Nat approached me, her smile was huge.

"Today is the day!" she announced excitedly. It should be me who looked so cheerful, but for some reason, my stomach was a mess of nerves. I put my hand there, just in case. It felt like spiders were walking in there and wanted to escape at any time.

"Today is the day" I confirmed with a nod. She looked at me suspiciously.

"Anna. Please, tell me you're not regretting."

"No, of course not," I answered, because I really didn't. "I'm just nervous. Very nervous."

"Everything will be fine, don't worry."

I made a sound with my throat that honestly couldn't be classified as yes or no. Nat quickly changed the subject, sensing my mood. I think she feared that will pressure me too much and I finished having second thoughts because of that.

"What happen with ceramics?"


Nat laughed at me. She knew that my artistic gifts were disastrous. Telling the stories of the previous day made me think in something else and I finally began to relax.

The work passed without accidents. Well, at least nothing fatal. We were busy sewing the most beautiful dresses. The designer was impressive in her work and we followed her instructions. It was something mechanical, without any artistic talent in use. So it was ideal for me.

When I left there, my nerves returned. Nat took my hand and assured me that all would be okay again, but I wasn't so sure. I wish I had her confidence.

We parted and I walked away to where I knew I would find him. Just like yesterday, Lucas sat on a hill, admiring the colors of the kingdom with a brush in his hand. He was the greatest artist we had, his paintings were stunning like in capital letters. His works were even hung in the palace of Ventralli.

I had always admired him from afar. I don't mean that I was stalking him. Of course not. Okay, maybe a little. But I was dazzled by his talent. And he was also incredibly attractive.

I had set a personal goal to talk to him. It wasn't the first time, but Nat was tired to continue hear me saying, "I will talk to him tomorrow." So I had marked this day on the calendar.

I approached him, my heart pounding with every step. I stood before him, but he didn't even notice me. I loved the way he could be closed for the rest of the world when started painting, but I really didn't liked that right now.

I cleared my throat, but still didn't pay attention. Even when I said hello very gently.


I don't know why I screamed his name, and with a squeaky voice, I might add. It was completely inappropriate and out of place. My outburst made him drop the brush, a few drops of painting falling on the canvas. He looked horrified and I hastened to apologize.

"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have yelled. I..."

My words died in my throat as he looked at me. Her hazel eyes were so intense that I only wanted to immerse myself in them and lose forever. I wanted so many times that he look at me like that. Or just look and period. His lips moved and I realized that he was talking to me.

"What?" I asked.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Oh. I just wanted to tell you how attrac... I mean, how amazing artist you are. I admire your work."

I felt turn ten shades of red as he examined me from top to bottom. I can't believe I almost tell him that I find him very attractive. What is wrong with me?

A lopsided smile played on his lips and left me completely mesmerized.

"You have painting on your dress."

Agh, it can't be. I looked down to see that as a matter of fact there were several stains decorating the dress I spend all this morning picking up. I couldn't even imagine how they got there. They were blue and he was wearing red, so obviously it wasn't that the reason why I got them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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