School Tour

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Ryu finally arrived. But this time, he didn't bring his dragon. Everyone has bright smiles on their faces, but they did notice the difference.

"Hey, wheres your dragon?" Haruka asked.

"The schools not that far, you could walk there." Ryu replied.

Ryu did a, "come on" signal with his hand. Everyone followed.

About ten minutes later, they finally arrived. It was a pretty large high school. The outside of the school was beautiful. There were many flowers, butterflies, and cherry blossom trees. The black gate stood out along with the brick walls and multiple windows.

"Here we are, Sachiro High. I've actually wanted to go to this school, but instead I went to Yushiko Academy." Ryu explained.

"Wait, if you're still a teen, why aren't you in school?" Yuka asked.

Ryu sighed.

"You see, I got kicked out for mass murder. I went to prison and once I got out, I had to teach myself." Ryu said, staring at the school.

"Since you're a teen, which makes you young, you must have killed when you were way younger. How old were you when you committed those murders?" Kanato asked, cocking his head.

"Over at this world, I go by god years, so you wont understand. Thats enough about me. Lets go in the school." Ryu said, walking towards the building.

They all went inside and let me just tell you, it was more than what they expected. It was so clean, so big, so vivid, they might as well get lost finding the way to the bathroom.

"Now this here, is the principals office," Ryu said, pointed at the principals office, which was on the right.

"The principals name is Mr. Inko. I don't know much about him, but it was said he's really kind." Ryu added on.

"Is the principal here, or any teachers?" Midorima asked.

"Nope." Ryu stated simply.

"There are a total of ten teachers here. Two teachers for each subject. Two Math teachers, Science, History, English, and PE. Oh, I almost forgot, you guys have uniforms. Here, follow me." Ryu exclaimed.

"Why are there two of each teachers?" Yuka asked.

"So everyone doesn't have the same teacher, duh." Ryu replied.

"Oh, right." Yuka said, looking down embarrassed. 

They went up a set of stairs and went into the nurses office and opened a closet filled with uniforms.

The girls uniforms have white, short-sleeved buttoned-up shirts with a red ribbon on the neck and a black blazer for the outside. The skirts are red and are about half of an inch above the knees. The boys uniforms also have white, short-sleeved buttoned-up shirts with a red ribbon on the neck and a black blazer for the outside. They have long black pants. Ryu pulled some out and held them up. The girls in his right hand, and the boys in his left.

"Here are the girls and the boys. Don't worry, you're not going to put them on. For the ladies, you have a choice whether to wear socks that go past your knees, but just above your skirt. Otherwise, you can wear normal length socks." Ryu explained and placed the uniform back into the closet.

"Are ankle length socks acceptable?" Yuka asked.

"Yep. Now I'm going to show you parts of the school." Ryu said as he began to walk out.

"This school does have a rooftop, but you have to walk four sets of stairs to get up there. People like to eat lunch up there and whatnot." Ryu explained briefly.

"What about the bathrooms?" Kanato asked.

"Right. So once you first walk in the whole school, theres a hallway on the left side, you take a left then another left, then two rights and you should be there. Don't worry about your classrooms, on the first day, there will be a printed out schedule for you. Assistants will help you get to your class." Ryu explained.

"Wait, how do you know so much about this school if you've never been here?" Haruka asked.

"Friends." Ryu simply replied.

"Any questions? Ryu added on.

"How many stairs are there total?" Midorima asked.

"Four. The fourth set of stairs leads you to the rooftop, the last floor. The other stairs lead you to classes and other rooms. So with that said, there are four floors. We are currently on the first floor. The floor we were originally at was the main entrance." Ryu said, in a worn out voice. He was getting tired from explaining for about half an hour, which felt like three.

"No more, right?" He said.

They all nodded. They walked down the stairs. They went out of the school and went back to their apartments.

"Dude, thats a huge ass school." Kanato blurted out.

"Heh, kinda." Haruka said.

"Kinda?! You have to make like four turns to get to the bathroom. Imagine getting to your classes," He said.

"It'll probably take fifty turns." Kanato joked.

"Well, that was fun, not really. Enjoy your new school when Summers over." Ryu said before he waved goodbye.

Everyone went back to their apartment rooms and re-organized it. Summer is still a long break. Maybe they'll find something fun to do.

The Different Types of Kids at School: The New Beginning Where stories live. Discover now