It is pitch black dark. That's the first observation Joey made. It was almost like he hadn't opened his eyes at all. Obviously, this wasn't his bedroom. Joey didn't sleep on a hard concrete floor. He was confused, to say the least. Either he was dreaming, or someone had relocated him during the night. Surprisingly, he wasn't panicked. This wasn't the first time he had woken up in a strangers place but that's a different story. Joey sat up, groaning and stretching his arms. He wasn't tied up so he assumed his kidnappers were either cocky or stupid. Probably both.
Alright, show's over, time to leave. It was quite cold in the room and the hard floor wasn't helping his discomfort. With a sigh, Joey hoisted himself up on his two feet and started walking forward blindly. Emphasis on the "blindly" part. Unfortunately for him, he was greeted- well, more like surprised, by the thick metal bars that he collided with. "Just my freakin' luck" Joey mumbled. He tried the left and right and, as expected, he was caged in.
Joey and small areas were not friends. With this in mind he decided to initiate "Plan B."
"Help, anyone?!" Not his best plan, he admitted. "Hello, anyone there?" Surely someone would hear his cries and come to help, that's just how it worked. After five minutes of yelling, he gave up. Joey's mood had changed from confused to angry. Now, he was not the biggest or most intimidating person by a longshot. He was short and slim with a light, airy voice. His favorite color was pink and he painted his nails; Joey was not going to win his freedom by scaring this guy.
With another sigh he sat down right where he was standing and curled up. It was impossible to see so Joey decided he would get some sleep and try to think of a better plan.