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  • Dedicated to My parents, my brother, and for the reader.

          So, my house was always extremely normal. Like, boringly so. I never gave much thought into it, and I don't think you spend a lot of time pondering the mystery potential of your own home. I mean, let's be honest here, since when did storybook characters find secret chambers hidden in their small two story suburban home in a cul-de-sacced neghborhood? That's right. They don't. What's supposed to happen is the girl is forced to move to a rural town into a spooky, dilapitated mansion with a magic wardrobe in the attic.

                  So I'm just wondering...what's wrong with my life? That's one question nobody's been able to answer so far. 


                 In all likelihood, it most likely started long before this, but I didn't come into the picture until a certain, supposed-to-be-non-eventful Friday afternood. I was on the high school dance team, and a friend was walking home with me after a parade in the historic downtown area. Marilla was an eighth grader at the local middle-school, a band geek extraordinaire, and my adopted Scrub the previous year when I,too, had attended Kettle Junior High. She also lived two blocks away from my house, hence our walking home. 

              "Did you hear what Damien said to Caroline?" she exclaimed, her frizzy mane of curls tumbling out of it's carefully made bun. She was grinning widely as she peered at me. Marilla always had a smile, even when hauling a sweaty blue and gold uniform across town. That thought brought a ghost of a smile to my own lips. 

                     "Laurel told me," Laurel was my best friend and fellow dancer. Marilla laughed heartily. An older woman walking her dog in the opposing direction gave us a curious glance. Marilla's joy is like a disease-- contagious. I smiled like a fool as I imagined what we must look like. Fifteen year old with gelled hair in a short maroon dress and tights with no shoes, prowling around the clean sunny village with an extremely loud, happy girl with a gigantic ball of hair poofing out from all sides of her head like a miniature sun while wearing yellow and black overalls! Quick, tickets on sale now to see the freak oddyssey! 

Our conversation dwindled before Marilla started singing loudly. Evan as I bolted my front door behind me, I could hear her voice echoing down the empty street.

"We take the high road, and they take the low road ..."

Humming along, I laughed again and jumped into the shower. Not literally, of course. As I was hanging my towel up afterwards, I noticed something different. 

A keyhole-type thing in the corner of the mirror. 

Um...yeah. That definetly was NOT there before. I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING. You think I'm just another silly, unobservant teenage girl who doesn't notice odd blemishes in her bathroom mirror after fifteen years of living in her house.

I assure you, while I may be a silly teenage girl, this had not been there the day before.

Seriously, I swear on it.

Please. Please belive me...and...you're walking away.

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