Chapter 5- Sick Week (pt. 1/2)

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About two weeks into the tour, I started to not feel so good. I was tired more, and I'd developed a cough. I told the guys I'd be fine, but it was kinda obvious this was more than a cold. "Okay, my turn. Truth or dare, Kaylee?" Parv smirked at me. "Tough, um Dare." I responded, sounding a little hoarse from coughing. "Alright, I dare you to... Sit on Sparkles*' lap for the rest of the game." He smiled devilishly at me to which I countered, "Fine." And went and sat on Sparkles* lap. "Hope you don't mind." I touched his nose. "I'm cool with it. Hold up, are you okay, Kaylee? You look pale." He held his hand up to my forehead. "Shit, Kaylee! You're burning up!" Worry sparked in his eyes as I closed mine. "Bathroom." I said quietly, but Sparkles* knew and carried me as fast as he could to the tiny bathroom on the tour bus. I threw up into the toilet a couple times before my stomach settled down a bit. "Kaylee?" Kogie called. "Is she okay, mate?" Leo got up and walked to stand beside Sparkles* and saw me leaning back against the wall, tears rolling down my face slowly. "I don't feel good." I croaked out. "I can tell, sweety. C'mere I'll be gentle, I promise." Leo came over to me, wiped my face off, and slowly picked me up. "You okay like this?" I nodded as he shifted me so I was clinging to him like a Koala, my head resting on his chest. "Are you sure you can carry me, Leo?" I mumbled, trying not to upset my body further. "Yeah, I'm fine. You're pretty light actually." He walked back to the small couch and sat down on it, myself sitting curled up in his lap. "Are you okay to keep playing, Kaylee?" Parv looked at me worriedly. "I wanna keep playing, I'll just pick truth from now on." I responded sounding weak. "Mm, well okay." Parv said. "Let's keep going then, shall we?"

The next morning I spent an hour and 45 minutes in the bathroom puking my guts out, or what felt like it. Parv stayed with me the whole time, rubbing my back, calming me down, general stuff. After I finally stopped, I looked at him and told him, "I think I have the flu." It was quiet and croaky, but he still understood me. "I'd say so. Do you want to go lie down on the couch and be comfy?" Parv continued to rub my back slowly. I just nodded my head. "Carry or walk?" I did what a little kid would do and stretched my arms up, flexing my fingers. "Carry it is then." He wrapped his arms around my back and picked me up. Parv carried me into the little living space and carefully sat me down on the couch. "You're pretty warm, Kaylee." He commented. "No I'm not. I'm kinda cold, could you bring me my Skyrim blanket please?" I begged. "Alright, but you're going to drink some cold water to maybe help with your temperature." Parv moved some hair out of my face and rubbed my cheek before retrieving my blanket and a water bottle. "As requested, m'lady." He did a slight bow as he presented my blanket to me. "Yay!" I took the blanket off his arm and wrapped it around myself. "And my water you're going to drink, okay? You need it, especially after that." He handed me the water and I opened the cap. "Where's everyone else?" I asked before taking a few drinks of water. "Well, I doubt awake yet since it's just 5. The four of us were all sleeping in different positions on the back bed." (Weird tour bus, I know..) Parv told me, and just as he finished, Kogie walked in wearing pajama bottoms, looking very sleepy. "How long've you two been up?" He asked, yawning and stretching afterwards. "Well, I woke up around four to Kaylee barfing, so I sat with her and helped her in here afterwards." Parv told Kogie. "Oh, thanks." I rolled my eyes and continued to sip slowly from my water bottle.

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