I Hate News Reporters

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Chapter 10

The rest of that day and Sunday, Luna was in her room weeping and sobbing over what she did. What about her father? What was she going to do about him? Thankfully, Mr. Keaner was on a week long business trip.

Around four on Sunday, Luna was watching some old tv shows on TV Land. I Love Lucy was on right now. They were her guilty pleasures. In this episode Lucy was getting persuaded by a business man to buy things. Then someone knocked on her door.

Luna slowly got up and went to answer the door. She opened it and saw Rory standing there. “Where have you been?” she asked him.

“I tried to get in, but you wouldn't hear my knocking until now,” he explained. “So I stayed the night at Ethan's.” Rory looked at the tv and made a weird expression. “What are you watching?”

Luna then quickly ran over to the tv and changed the channel. “The news,” she answered.

Luna then sat down on the couch. Rory slowly came over and sat with her. “We are still trying to find the murderer of the woman and nurse,” the reporter said on the news. Luna's mouth dropped and tried to change the channel, but Rory got to the channel changer first. He kept it on.

“We are being told this was Nurse Vicky Suarez and Annabelle Keaner,” the reported reported.

Luna looked at the tv and tried not to look at Rory. Did he think she did it? Or what? Luna then slowly turned her head to Rory. She saw tears forming in his eyes. “Mom,” he muttered. “Who would do such a thing?”

“The victims have strange bite marks on the side of their necks,” the reported kept on announcing. “As if they were bitten by and animal, or a deranged human being. As of right now, we have two suspects. Another doctor and Annabelle Keaner's daughter, Luna. The daughter was seen with the two when they went into the room, but no one ever came out. So the daughter must of escaped through the window.”

Rory gasped and looked at Luna with his mouth wide open. “You... you... you killed mom?” Rory asked hoping that what he thought wasn't true.

Luna bit her lip. She just looked at him as she started to cry. Rory stood up and walked out of the house with anger. Luna had never seen her brother this upset before. Luna laid down on the couch and cried. She wanted to cry out all the water in her body so she could shrivel up and die.

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