Dear Daisy,
You are so beautiful. So goddamn beautiful Daze. You're like that amazing painting from that weird art museum you took me to. All the different colors used to make something so beautiful and abstract. It's kinda like you Daze, when I love at you I see something so beautifully simple yet so complex. All these different paintbrush strokes created to make a piece of artwork so beautiful it'd be a crime to keep it hidden. That was a great day. We would kiss between the paintings and talk about the art. I never told you Daze, but that day I knew I had completely fallen in love with you. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that I was meant to spend the rest of my life with you Daisy. We were meant to grow old together, I could feel it. You were my Daze and I was your Daw. Something out of a book you would say. Today I love you more than yesterday Daisy and tomorrow more than today. Until next time Daze.
With Love,