~*Chapter 4*~

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As the weeks went by, Louis grew steadily more fond of Harry. They are practically inseparable.

They usually go to Louis's house after school to hang out. Louis has asked Harry why they never go to his house but Harry just says it's because Louis's house is closer to school and it's easier for the five of them to get to.

That was Louis's problem.

He loves his friends, he really does. But they are always around. Always. He keeps trying to get some alone time with Harry but his friends end up stopping by anyway and they don't leave until after Harry does. Today is no exception.

Harry and Louis were sitting in Louis's basement. They had just walked down there and set their stuff down. Louis thought that maybe today would be one of the rare days he got to be alone with the beautiful nerdy boy in front of him but just as they were getting comfortable, they heard a stampede of three sets of footsteps coming down the stairs. Louis sighed.

"Oi! What's going on lads? Getting started without us?"

"Wouldn't dream of it Zaynie." Louis deadpanned. He turned around and got comfortable on the couch and prepared to watch his friends suck at FIFA. Just like he does every day.

* * *

Louis looks so cute like that. All pouty. It's just adorable, really. He's adorable. Thoughts like these were all Harry could think the entire afternoon. At first he kept sneaking glances at Louis but after a while, knowing his other friends weren't paying attention, Harry gave up subtlety and started blatantly staring at the gorgeous small boy next to him. That was one of his favorite things about Louis; how tiny he is. Harry feels like he could just pick Louis up and carry him in his pocket if he saw fit. Harry has been to a lot of different countries and has seen a lot of attractive men and women - most of whom made it clear they wanted him - but no one has ever made him feel like Louis does. He can actually feel his heart swell when he looks at Louis. And he can feel a blush spread from his cheeks to his chest when Louis looks back at him. He just wants to wrap Louis up in his arms and never let him go.

Harry also wishes Louis would like him back but let's be real, there's absolutely no way that would happen with this nerd getup they have him dressed in. Harry wants to show Louis the real him. That's why Harry never lets Louis come over on weekends or to his house at all. He knows Louis will get curious as to why he's still in his school clothes or why his hair is still gelled. Harry hates it. He hates lying to Louis. He wants Louis to know every single thing about him. From his favorite shoot he's ever done to the number of tattoos he has (which is a lot).

Harry is so preoccupied with his thoughts of Louis (which have now drifted to marriage and a house and sex together in that house) that he forgot he was staring at Louis. He was reminded, however, when Louis elbowed him in the side.

"Ow, What?!" Harry said rubbing his side.

"Why were you looking at me like that?" Louis asked.

Harry blushed a bit. "No reason," he said. Louis just smiled to himself and went back to watching his friends play their video game. Harry suddenly remembered that today was the day he was supposed to have that video conference with his manager about a two-day shoot in Oslo next month. It's only two days so Harry would go during the weekend so he wouldn't miss any school. That was the only way his mom would agree. His manager was supposed to call at five. Harry looked down at his watch. 4:47.

"Oh shit."

"Haz? What's wrong?" Louis asked, gaining the other guys' attention.

Shit. What was Harry gonna say? He couldn't very well tellthem he was late for a conference call about his next photo shoot. But he also needed to think of something quick so he could get out of there.

"Uh. I just forgot to feed my hamster this morning and she's probably hungry so...,"

"I didn't know you had a hamster." Liam said.

"Yeah well I do and she's hungry so bye!" Harry yelled and ran out of the house. Smooth, Styles. Real smooth. The last thing Harry saw was Louis's sad face watching after him as he left and it almost made Harry say 'fuck Oslo' and turn around and hold Louis for the rest of their lives. Almost.

* * *

"Okay, that was weird right?" Niall asked after Harry left.

"Yeah. Definitely." Louis said offhandedly.

"Well boys, I think it's time I head home too. Maura's making fried chicken tonight, don't wanna miss that!" Niall said.

"Yeah I better head home too. Babe, you want me to walk you home?" Liam said to Zayn.

"Sure, that'd be fine, thanks. Bye Lou!" Zayn said and Liam and Niall did the same as they all left.

"Bye lads!" Louis called after them.

After they were gone, Louis went back to thinking about Harry's sudden departure. That was weird Louis thought. But honestly, it just made Louis want to know more about Harry. He knew the basics, divorced parents but they're all still cool, older sister, that kind of thing. But Louis feels like there's something else about Harry that he doesn't know. And he wants to find out.

Louis tries not to let it bother him so he distracts himself...with more thoughts about Harry. He thinks about Harry's neatly slicked back hair and wonders what it looks like natural. He thinks about Harry's pretty green eyes and sometimes he wishes the boy would get contacts so he doesn't have to hide them behind those bulky glasses. But then Louis remembers how much he likes the glasses. He thinks they're cute, even with the masking tape holding them together. He thinks about the soft vests Harry wears and the spiffy button-up shirts and pressed trousers. He also thinks about what Harry looks like in a t-shirt and sweats. He wonders what Harry looks like shirtless as he works out. And there's no possible way that boy doesn't work out because his biceps are huge. Louis wants to see them. He wonders if Harry would let him. He wants to see the muscles in Harry's arms and upper body flex as Harry does bench presses. He wants to see the muscles in Harry's back contract as he does press ups. Louis wants to see beads of sweat roll from Harry's temple to the waistband of his shorts. He wants to see the vein on the side of Harry's neck pop out as Harry does pull ups. And as much as he wants to see all that, Louis really wouldn't mind watching Harry do other things.

He wouldn't mind seeing the muscles in Harry's arms and upper body flex as he works himself over. He wouldn't mind seeing the muscles in Harry's back contract as he reaches a few fingers back to fuck himself. He wouldn't mind seeing beads of sweat roll from Harry's temple all the way down his naked body and not stopping until it soaked into the sheets. He definitely wouldn't mind seeing that vein on the side of Harry's neck pop out as Harry's screams Louis's name as he comes all over himself. Louis wouldn't mind seeing that at all.

By this time, Louis had laid down on his stomach and was rutting against the couch. It's not really his fault, it's Harry's for being so damn attractive. Louis can't help it, Harry just makes Louis so damn hard. He was so close just thinking about Harry fucking himself. Louis thought about Harry with his head thrown back and four fingers shoved deep inside his hole. Louis was desperately fucking into the couch at an alarming speed. He pretended Harry was thrusting into him, making him rut into the couch and just like that, Louis came hard in his pants.

Something needs to happen. Louis can't just keep wanking every time he starts thinking dirty things about Harry. Wanking that many times a day can't be healthy. Something's got to change. Louis wants to be with Harry. He wants them to be as sickeningly cute as Zayn and Liam and damn it, it's gonna happen if it kills Louis.

AN:Please vote and leave feedback I love to hear your comments

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