chapter 2

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Kamryn prov;

we walking the 2 door and this group that i really love and autum come running up to us 

autum;hey yal


me; tell me that not mindless behavior over there

autum; yes that is girl 

me; just look at ray ray

janell; princeston

autum;roc royal

Meanwhile;mindles behavior

ray;yo all at those girl over there by the door...dang they fine 

roc&prince; they r fine

end of prov;

kamryn prov;

me; i goin to my locker to get my books come on

[all our lockers r by eachother]

me; dang the bell im late

i walked in class the teacher didnt see me


dang the girl at breakfast is in my class and my locker is right next to mine and i sit by her 

prov ends;

my prov; 

omg i sit by the boy that is in mindless behavior ray ray i like him 

prov over

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