6. Break Away- Igor Karkaroff

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Dear Harry~

I'm to teach you about breaking away in this letter. This is my story.

I never imagined that I'd die hidden away, never could have guessed that I would be killed by the man I had once looked up to.

At first, it was a thrill; I liked the secrecy of the Dark Arts, the mystic aura, the sense of power. I sought the Dark Lord when many others did it; when he had yet to show his true colors. At first, we all thought that Lord Voldemort's regime would put wizards above all other beings on Earth, and rightly so. To most of us, being half-blood or pure-blood or Muggle-born didn't matter. As long as you were a wizard, you were on top.

I fully intended to tell the Dark Lord that I was a half-blood, when I joined. But something in the cruelty of his gaze made me falter. I told him that I was pure-blood, and proud to be so.

And then, things changed. I was accepted to be the headmaster at Durmstrang, a position I'd wanted for a long time. I saw many Muggle-borns come through the doors, right along with the half-bloods and pure-bloods. I couldn't see a difference between them, and I thought it was alright.

I received word from the Dark Lord; it was nearly time to purge the school of the Muggle-borns and filth. I was hesitant, but I listened as he told me that Muggle-borns didn't belong at Durmstrang with the other students. 

From then on, I was to give all the students Blood Status; they had to prove that they were of wizard descent before I could let them in. I did it, for several years. I was making enemies out of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons, but I pretended not to care. I had to follow my master's orders

Just like that, Voldemort was gone. He had been defeated by nothing more than a baby, a child barely a year old. I decided that I'd never liked the Dark Lord's actions, and I began to let Muggle-borns come back into Durmstrang. Many, however, still stayed away. The number never reached what it had once been.

And then, the Mark burned. I didn't know what to do. I knew the Dark Lord would be angry if he knew I'd opened Durmstrang up to Muggle-borns, and so I fled. I fled to a little shack much farther north than Durmstrang.

He found me eventually. Maybe I would have starved to death anyway, but it was still a terrible way to die. I'd never wanted it.

But I died a free man. I had broken away from the Dark Lord and I was free. And that made dying all the more worth it.

Harry, break free from what you know is wrong. Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.



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