Page 3; Lillian

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NAME: Lillian "Lily" Salvatore

BORN: February 27, 1820.

AGE: 38/193+

LIVES NOW: Mystic Falls

TURNED BY: By unknown nurse in May 1858.

STATUS: Deceased.


Prisoner (Formerly)

Leader of the Heretics (Formerly)

SPECIES: Human (Formely), Vampire

GENDER: Female


Unnamed Father †

Unnamed Mother †

Unnamed Siblings/Relatives †

Unnamed Grandmother †

Giuseppe Salvatore † (Former Husband)

Damon Salvatore  (First Born Child/Oldest Son)

Stefan Salvatore  (Second Born Child/Youngest Son)

Stefan's Unnamed Child † (Unborn Granddaughter or Grandson)

Unnamed Stepson † (Giuseppe's Illegitimate Son)

Zachariah Salvatore † (Step-Grandson)

Joseph Salvatore † (Step-Descendant)

Joseph Salvatore's Son † (Step-Descendant)

Zach Salvatore † (Step-Descendant)

Sarah Salvatore (Step-Descendant)

Tom Avery † (Step-Descendant)


Her other family:

Malcolm † (Vampire Companion/Adopted Son)

Nora Hildegard † (Vampire Companion/Adopted Daughter)

Mary Louise † (Vampire Companion/Adopted Daughter)

Oscar † (Vampire Companion/Adopted Son)

Valerie Tulle (Vampire Companion/Adopted Daughter)

Beau † (Vampire Companion/Adopted Son)




Lily possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a non-original Vampire.

Physical abilities such as strength, speed, agility, durability, healing and senses. physical abilities as well as powers of mind control.

WEAKNESSES: Lily had the typical weaknesses of a non-original Vampire.


Valerie Tulle (1863)

Nora Hildegard †

Mary Louise †

Oscar †

Malcolm †

Beau †

Lorenzo St. John (1903)

Kai Parker † (2013)


3,000+ Unknown People

Unknown Man



Consumption (disease) (as a human)

Staked (as a vampire)

KILLED BY:  Herself (as a Vampire)


HEIGHT: 5'7" (Feet)

HAIR:  Dark Brown / black

EYES: Blue


Lily was a beautiful and strong woman and described as "articulate and caustic", she had a reputation for protecting the ones she loves at any cost.

her personality changed for the worst. She was short tempered as she was terrifying when angered. As a Ripper, Lily was unpredictable, aggressive, violent and ruthless, traits that she unfortunately passed down to her youngest son Stefan. Lily had some morals and moral lines that she was not willing to cross. Her personality seemed to be more in line with Stefan than with Damon.

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