part 1 - getting ready

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"Great" exclaimed the 18-year-old boy as his sapphire blue eyes scrolled across the letter that had just arrived at his house this morning, he read the words while his mind filled with anxiety and doubt. His housemate noticed his distress and observed the letter that he was reading.

"What's the matter John?" his housemate asked as he paused his game on the Xbox and looked at John with concern "What have you got there?".

"Oh, this? it's nothing Tim don't worry it's just a party invitation it's nothing much" explained John as he faked a smile, but of course, Tim saw through that fake smile straight away as he knew about his best friends lifelong phobia. He jumped up from the couch and walked over to his distressed friend, he ruffles up his dark blonde hair and smiled at him, giving him comfort.

"Who's the party for mate?" questioned Tim while trying to read over his friend's shoulder.

"oh, erm let me see, hmmm, oh, it's Ruby's party" John announced as his eyes widened and his mouth let out a small reassuring smile, but this didn't last long as Tim burst out with,

"Ha, Ruby? That psycho girl from high school that was in the year below us? She was crazy" Tim responded as he burst out laughing. John did not approve of his laughter and became quickly enraged.

"She was not a psycho" he yelled "she was such a sweet girl why did you never see that?" he questioned as he instinctively clutched his hands tight to form a fist, trying to channel the frustration that was quickly building.

"Of course, you would say that" Tim quickly replied, "you're the one who she had the biggest crush on for years". Johns anger soon disappeared and quickly transformed into embarrassment as his fists momentarily turned back into normal hands and his cheeks burned red like two grilled tomatoes. Johns attention quickly turned to his negative thoughts as he wondered how Ruby will react to his phobia, I mean it's a party, of course they'll be there, there will be tonnes of... His thoughts were soon cut off by his friends reassuring words as he explains,

"She's going to turn 17 mate there won't be any balloons, and if there are I'll make sure that not of them hurt you" explains Tim with a reassuring smile "now come on stop worrying and help me beat this level on my game I can't get through it". John quickly found himself laughing which washed away his doubt, while announcing,

"Sure, let's get through this together", they both turned and sat on the couch as Tim continued his game, John turns to his mate and calmly says, "thanks man".

A few blocks away, an almost 17-year-old girl laid on her bed with her head hanging off the side so that her long black hair flowed down onto the floor like a dark waterfall, she let out a massive sigh as her mind was full of worry and doubt, she soon found herself getting light headed, as her head was upside down so to fix this she quickly catapults her head up so all of her body was positioned the correct way up. Unfortunately, this caused her to become very dizzy and almost fell off of her bed, as she laid down to try and stop her dizziness whilst her housemate walked through her door.

"What's the matter Ruby?" her friend asked as she looked into her friends warming brown eyes, "you're supposed to be excited remember? It's your birthday on Saturday"

"I know Claira but do you really think that inviting John was a good idea? I mean what if something happens? What if I make a fool of myself in front of him?" Ruby exclaimed as she cupped both of her hands over her face to tried and hide her face from her embarrassment, Claira quickly noticed her distress and wrapped her arms around her trying to warm her up and comfort her.

"Girl, I think it was an amazing idea, nothing will go wrong I promise, you've had a crush on him since you first met him in high school, well now is your chance to do something about it" explained Claira hoping her words would help with Ruby's worries, but her efforts were of no use as this just made her blush and become extremely embarrassed.

"I don't know how to do it" confessed Ruby "I don't know how to make myself look cute or anything". Claira just smiled at her and placed her hand under her chin slowly lifting her it up then calmly said

"Balloons", Ruby's face filled with confusion as she looked at Claira thinking 'what is she talking about'.

"Trust me it works, if you find a really big balloon and hug it guys will find that it's adorable, it works even better if it's a light colour like light blue or pink" Claira suggested, " trust me, Hun, John will soon find you irresistible". Ruby hugs her lifelong friend really tight and thanks her for the advice,

"Any time Ruby I'm always here for you" informed Claira using a calming tone of voice "now come on we have got a lot of planning to do". Ruby followed her roommate into the kitchen, whilst there she turns to her and calmly says, "thanks girl"

A few long worry-filled nights dragged by as Saturday night finally came, which felt like 2 eternities. Ruby and Claira were just finishing putting up the streamers which hung down from the ceiling, banners which stretched across the walls, balloons which were hung up all over the walls and completely covered the floors like a latex sea, and filled the house with giant '17th birthday' signs. Their house was now completely full of decorations even their garden had signs which read '17th birthday party here' with balloons hung from the sign which fluttered around carelessly due to the calm gentle breeze. Ruby blew up the last balloon in the house so that its neck was half way full, the light blue balloon became pretty tight. She then proceeded to tie a tight knot and held it in her hands, she turned to Claira and mumbled,

"Are you sure that John will like this? I mean come on all of this is childish he won't enjoy this". Her mind was quickly filling with doubt, but Claira placed her hand softly on Ruby's shoulder and explained,

"Trust me ok? Just hug it softly and he'll find it adorable", she then smiled at her, Ruby wraps her arms around her new tight blue balloon and hugged it softly.

"He's going to love this hun I promise you" Claira explained, all Ruby can do is blush immensely, smile and giggle like a school girl.

As this is going on, a few blocks away John and Tim were quickly getting ready for the party with John's mind still swimming with fear and doubt,

"mate are you sure there won't be any balloons? cause if there are then I'm running away you know how strong my phobia is, do you remember what happened on my 16th birthday?" John explained as a massive shiver flew down his spine making his whole body feel cold with fear, his hands became shaky at the thought of him knowing that a cute girl like Ruby will see him cower at a balloon popping.

"Mate, listen to me ok? balloons are for kids and she's almost an adult, of course, there won't be any balloons", Tim theorised as he sprayed a big squirt of deodorant directly on his chest "there won't be a single balloon popping tonight I promise you". John found comfort in his words and found himself blushing gently and smiling like a mad man. As soon as both of them had finished getting ready they headed out of the door and proceeded on their journey to a party which both John and Ruby have been dreading for a while.

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