Chapter 61

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Puckily's Wedding

"I just want a simple wedding." I said to Kurt.

"I know. You held a wedding only to make your status to be Puck's wife." Kurt said to me.

"Dont worry, honey. Burt and I will hold Phoebe and Zac for you." Mom said to me.

"It's done." Kurt said as she finish stylish my hair and do my make up.

"Thanks Kurt." I smiled at Kurt.

"Aww you're beautiful. Finally I can see my daughter in a wedding dress." Mom smiled at me.

"Thats every mother dream to see her daughter in a wedding dress, mom." I smiled at mom.

"Yeah I know that my daughter is also become a mother now." Mom said to me.
"I'm happy for you, sweety. You found a right man and have two amazing children." Mom tears slowly fall down.

"Please no tears on my wedding day." I hugged mom.
"It's nothing without everything you gave me, mom."

"You gave me many things sweety." Mom said to me.

"You too." I said to her.

"Emily? Ready?" Blaine walks in.

"Yes, I'm ready, Blaine." I wipe my tears and take my flower bucket.

Kurt and my mom take my hand as we walked out from the dressing room. Today I will held a simple wedding party where the guess is only glee club members, my parents, Puck's mom and some teachers like Mr. Schue, Mrs. Schuester, coach Beiste and coach Sylvester.

The wedding will be held in a church where I usually pray. After this we will have a little dinner in breadstix. Puck and I booked Breadstix for our little wedding party.

I dont mind with this simple wedding because for me it's only a symbol so I can really be a Mrs. Puckerman and officially being Puck's wife because I already feel that I'm his wife and he is my husband.

We keep walking until I saw Puck with his black suit on the other side of this hallways and smiling at me.

"You ready?" Puck come over to me and show me his elbow.

"I'm ready." I smiled at him and hold his elbow.

"You look beautiful." Puck said.

"You also look hot, Puck." I chuckled.

Puck just smiled at me as we keep walking to the altar. We entered the church and the other's face turned at us.

I can see that Rachel and Finn hold Zac and Phoebe. We keep walking until we got into the altar.

"Today we will celebrate a wedding of Noah Puckerman and Emily Hudson." The pasteur said.

"Can we skip until the I do part? You dont need to ask me how much I love this girl." Puck said to the pasteur.

"Alright, Emily Hudson will you be honor to take Noah Puckerman as your husband forever in your life?" The pasteur asked me.

"In the name of Zac and Phoebe. I do." I smiled at Puck.

"And you, Noah Puckerman will you be honor to take Emily Hudson as your wife forever in your life?" The pasteur asked Puck.

"I do. I really do." Puck smiled at me.

"Now I announce you as husband and wife. You can kiss your bride." The pasteur said.

Puck put a ring on my finger and I put a ring on his finger. This is our wedding ring. Puck smirked at me and he kissed me softly while he put his hand on my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder.

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