A 5 month runaway.

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Evie's POV:
I am at Ordina's Flat. Zac knows that I have been pregnant and calls to ask how they are. Only reason why I ran is because if one is a boy I have to give them both away. I am their mum and if Ordina can warn off Mermaids then I am safe.
Me: Ordina?
Ordina: Yea?
Me: The babies are kicking.
Ordina: Awww, Nerissa is comming over.
Me: Nerissa!!!
Nerissa: Hello Evie.
Me: Zac!!!!
Zac: Babe, how's our babies?
Me: they are good.
Ordina: The doctor called, You are having a boy and a girl.
Me: I will protect them.
Zac: How about Elena as a girl and Elliott as a boy?
Me: Ok.

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