Chapter 4: A midweek conflict

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The rest of the week for those in the 'Special Cases' group went along smoothly. Dylan's first day involved him mingling with and attempting to socialise with those in his form group, a class in which he registered with every morning and also took part in extra-curricular activities with. To his pleasant surprise, Sparky Sam was also in his form group. Sam didn't mind them calling him that, he thought it was rather endearing.

The mingling with his fellow peers involved sitting in circles, reciting their names and interests and after the lunch break period, a series of group activities in the afternoon. Dylan particularly enjoyed the poster making, where they had to make an advertisement for the school's local Combat Team. Dylan's group went on to win with their entry, which gave him a much needed confidence boost. He went home feeling much better that day, even Heather was pleasantly surprised at her younger brother's change in attitude, secretly hoping that this positive spell would continue.

The next day involved their first day in proper lessons. The day started with a strange lesson called "Learning to Learn" which the subject matter focused itself on their attitude in lessons and ways in which they could enhance their learning. They were also given their timetables, in which they also were told that they would all have one to one sessions with their form tutor once a week. Dylan didn't mind this, as his form-tutor, Mr Anderson, was a portly kinetic who was very fond of playing pranks on his students, for example causing buckets of water and other objects to fall on poor kid's heads. Dylan was looking forward to it. The rest of the day was rather un-eventful, with English and Maths followed by Science and Music.

Wednesday again started with learning to learn, but this time it was focused on power refinement and control. This seemed like a waste of time to Dylan, as he,, had no visible power to draw upon, making him envious as other students levitated books, set things on fire, or, in the case of Sam, poke a kid in the back, causing him to jump three feet in the air due to the discharge, causing many people to laugh and to earned him a disapproving glare from Mr Anderson. Wednesday was also P.E day, this mean combat training.

Every pupil at the school had to go undergo mandatory combat training. This was not only law but it was needed in order for the kids to adapt to the Gladiatorial justice system, in which any and all disputes were settled. This system was put in place mainly to reduce violent crime, as any individual with any modicum of power would attempt to take the life of another, so instead of expending money to prevent it, the IGP legalised combat in controlled arenas, placed all across the globe similar to sports complexes and contained other facilities such as gyms, swimming baths etc. The larger the city, the larger the arena complex it had. Some cities even had arenas that went underground, connected to their underground transport networks.

It turned out that year 7 combat classes were taught by a mentor which was the year above them and they took their classes with the rest of the year in the large school hall. It turned out their mentor was not a pleasant person. His name was Solomon, a curious individual that had the ability to pass through solid matter at will. He told them that most of them would drop the combat course. He took pleasure in bullying the weaker looking ones in the group, which included Dylan.

This escalated when Dylan's class took the obstacle course. The course itself was quite simple, however, Solomon seemed to take it upon himself to make it hell for them. He purposely tripped them up through the floor or moved things as they were about to make their way through. Twice Dylan fell off and was forced to start the course again.
"What's the matter, can't complete something so simple?" Soloman sneered as Dylan went back to the start for the fifth time. "I swear, this year's lot are pathet-argh"
It seemed that Sam had also had enough of Solomon, as just a gentle poke to his side sent over one thousand volts through his body, sending him sailing across the hall and smacking into the opposite wall.

"Nice job kiddo" said a familiar voice. Dylan and Sam turned to see the slender form of Kathy striding toward them, her class of year sevens looking on in a mixture of curiosity and awe. "But, maybe next time go easy on the shocks okay?" Sam looked a-bit sheepish, but grinned all the same. Just beyond them, Solomon groaned and sat up, seemingly in a daze, but recovered quickly and seemed to swell with fury.

"I could have you bloody expelled for that you little shit!" he exclaimed, Sam recoiled from the venom of the outburst. Kathy calmed stepped between them.
"Seeing your attitude towards them, which basically was bullying, I think this little sparks actions were just" she said, continuing with her calm air, but Dylan thought he could hear the thin venire of threat with each syllable. "And" Kathy went on "As a direct result, you're relieved from teaching indefinitely. Run along now"

A vein bulged in Solomon's temple.
"You think you're so high and mighty don't you?" he snarled, rising to his feet, his face red. "Alright then bitch, I'll tell you what, I'll beat the shit out of you, right here, right now." Kathy raised an eyebrow.
"You do realise that fighting without a referee is illegal right?" she said, looking around at the slowly growing crown of students. "and seeing as there is no wiling volunteer, this display is comple-"
"I volunteer" said a gruff voice.
A heavy set man with a great, bushy brown moustache and a shining bald head was striding towards them. His brown eyes set under a heavy brow and shielded behind thick rimmed glasses, which sat on a nose so flat from being broken so many times.
It was Mr Rudgewick, the head of the P.E department and coach of the schools Combat Team.
"Seeing as you've got some balls on you with that challenge Mr Brown" Rudgewick continued, glowering at Solomon, "It seems that it should be seen to the end!" He turned to the year sevens, many of whom were still gawking. "The lesson is over for the rest of you. Instead, you will watch as Mr Brown and Miss Clarke fight and learn from their unique styles, now, to the outdoor arenas, hurry along now!"

Solomon seemed rooted to the spot in a mixture of shock and anger, whilst Kathy merely shrugged and turned to follow Rudgewick, a sinister gleam in her eyes.

The school had many arenas which were reserved for training, but as of today they seemed rather empty, spare a red headed year ten who watched the precession curiously. The year sevens into the wooden seats surrounding the arena, Dylan was sat close in-between Sparky and a rather large kid who he recognised as Terry from the first day. Meanwhile, the two combatants were squaring up on the battlefield.
"What's the matter bitch, not using a sword?" Solomon jeered. Kathy didn't seem fazed.
"No, why would I waste a blade on something as pathetic as you?" Solomon's face turned into a grimace "Save your talk, I'll suffocate you in the floor!" Kathy shrugged in response.

Rudgewick stepped out and blew on a whistle; a hush fell upon the assembled onlookers>
"The rules are as follows!" he boomed "The winner is the first combatant to cause significant damage to the other combatant, at maximum a broken bone. No killing, not that you're allowed to anyway!" he went on, "The bout will last for ninety seconds, in three, two, one!" he blew on the whistle again. The year sevens cheered.

Solomon immediately sank into the floor, leering. The ground cracked beneath him, rumbling as he slid beneath the dirt. Kathy stood stock still, and closed her eyes.
"What's she doing?" whispered a frantic Sam.
"Sharpening her other senses" Terry replied, looking on in a manner of mild disinterest. "She can't see the bastard, so she'll need use her ears and feet to detect where he might be" Just as he said that, the ground cracked just behind Kathy and Solomon leapt up, both hands raised, a blow designed to disorientate and disable.

The fight ended it two blows.

Kathy spun, the sharp point of her left elbow slamming into Solomon's lower jaw. This caused him to stagger backwards, the hands what were raised above his head now clutching his jaw. Her right hand, curled into a fist and it slammed into Solomon's chest. There was the wet crack of several ribs breaking. Solomon went down, howling, to the dirt. Kathy dropped in a squat, leaning in close so only Solomon could hear:
"You bully Dylan or any other kid again, I will tear off your balls, are we clear, bitch?"
Solomon nodded, whimpering.

The crowd roared.


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