Chapter 9

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Dean's POV
The drive to Roman's hotel was silent

I silently cried in my car, it was hard to drive since my tears made every blurry

I finally got there and went up to his room

I wiped the tears that were still on my face

I signed and knocked on the door

I saw Roman opened the door, his face in shock, he has never seen me cry before well till now

He took a step to the Side so I can come in

I walked on and signed

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this, Roman" I told him, I continued to wipe the tears

"Dean, who are you crying about.." Roman asked

"I'm told you when I called you..." I stood there in silence "... it's Seth.."

"I fucked up... I deserve no one!!" I said I throw my keys to the wall and put my head down

"What did you do?? What happen?" Roman asked

I didn't answer

"Dean.. fucken answer me.." He started to shake me

"I told Seth he was the only one I loved... but I was still with Renee" Tears ran down my face again "He stopped by my room and saw me and Renee.."

Roman let me go "and what did he say about... all of that"

"He said he trusted me... and I lost his trust... he started to... cry and he said he loved me" I said weakly

"Who do you love Dean..." Roman asked

I looked up at him "You expect me to know.... I love... Renee and Seth... they Both make me very.. happy, but Seth he.. he.."

"He what?"

"He makes me feel a different way, and way Renee can't make me feel.."

Roman wanted to say something but didn't say it

"What... what were you going to say?" I asked

Roman signed "Dean... hunter is giving Seth a relationship storyline"

"What!! With who?" I got angry

"With Zahra"

Tears ran down my face, not because I'm sad, but because that.. Bitch broke his heart first!!

Renee's POV
Dean left... where did he go... he didn't even tell me...

I needed to tell him something important but things got a little sexual

I grabbed my phone and called Nikki

I waited till she finally answered

"Hello.." Nikki said

"Nikki.." my voice cracked

"Renee... What's wrong?" Nikki asked, I couldn't see her face but I knew she was worried

"Just come please..." I said I held back the tears

"Okay I'm coming right now!! Don't worry" Nikki said before hanging up

I put some clothes on and waited till Nikki came

I walked in to the bather and looked at my self in the mirror

I suddenly heard a knocked, it must be Nikki

I went to open it and saw Nikki and her sister Brie

Nikki came in and hugged me

"Renee what happen.." Brie said behind Nikki

"I was going to tell Dean something when Seth came and they were talking out side.... Dean walked in a few seconds later saying he has to fix things" I said as my voice cracked

They stood there waiting for me to finish

"He got dressed and left... " I said

"What did you have to tell..." Nikki asked

Tears finally ran down my face

"I'm... I'm Pregnant!!"

Well that was unexpected....

Next chapter well skip to a few months cuz something serious well happen that you guys will probably kill me for it xD but I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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