Chapter 16

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Apparently jumping off a bridge counts as harming yourself when I assumed it would just be a loophole.

Technically the concrete would've caused my body harm but I guess I'll never find out thanks to Harry's hex, before I could even reach the bottom I was somehow transported back to the top of the bridge again unharmed.

Also, never have I been more disappointed that my demon body was durable enough to survive a car ramming into me when I jumped into the middle of the road.

I guess this was my only option at this point.

I sat on the train tracks, casually looking through one of Harry's old demonic curse books I took from his office, holding the train schedule in my other hand as I flipped through the pages.

I could feel the slight vibration of the gravel underneath me as the breeze blew across my face, my eyes falling to the metal of the train tracks that were shaking slightly as I heard the train itself in the distance, making me raise my head to see a tiny little dot in the horizon.

"Liza! Lady Liza what in god's name are you doing!" A familiar frantic voice called out, causing me to turn my head to find my Harry struggling to get out of the backseat of a car, slamming the door closed and limping towards me with a pale expression as the other three Harrys filed out.

"What are you- why did you bring him here he's sick." I told the three, looking over at Prince Harry's weak state, pain and worry etched across his features as he neared me, wincing slightly with every step he took yet he still continued with a determine look in his green eyes.

"He begged us Liza.." The Vampire said with a frown, the rest of the Harrys taking in the situation, observing where I stood in the middle of the tracks as they listened to the sound of the upcoming train.

"Liza don't be stupid, get off of there now-" Prince Harry demanded, his voice rough as I heard his heavy breathing, the way he was wheezing ever so slightly as he reached out for me only to make contact with an invisible barrier between us, like a wall of glass as his eyes widened in shock.

"I learned a lot from one of your books that I took from your office, no other living being can pass." I told him, gesturing to the clear force field around the tracks as Harry's jaw dropped, his breathing only increasing as he began to visibly panic, using whatever strength he had to bang his fists against the shield between us, looking around, desperate to find a way to me.

"Liza just open up! Let me through! Get out of there now!" He screamed, continuing to try and break the barrier between us before I gave him a small smile, pressing the palm of my hand against it as he looked at me with wide frightened eyes.

"This is my story Liza and it's going to end the way I want it- with you alive and well so just get off the tracks and stop this!" He yelled at me in anger, his face flushed with frustration as he grit his teeth, tears already spilling from his eyes.

"You didn't really expect me to just sit there and watch you die when there was a way I could save you did you?" I questioned him in a soft sorrowful voice, his body tensing as he shook his head, continuing to look around the invisible barrier between us, pressing his hands and hitting it repeatedly.

"You frustrating woman!" He cried out in rage, locking eyes with me, silently pleading for me to get off the tracks only for me to shake my head.

"Please," He breathed out in a shakey voice, pressing his forehead against the shield as he balled his hands into tight fists, his knuckles turning white as his chest rose and fell rapidly.

"Please don't leave me like this. Not like this." He begged, his voice breaking as I took in a shakey breath.

"I won't really be gone... I'll be in my story again remember." I reminded him, lowering my head to try and meet my gaze as he brought his head up, his eyes red and full of tears.

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