Black Bird

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So this is a manga I'm writing as a book. It belongs to Kanoko Sakurakoji and whoever helped her make and publish to manga. I'm just turning it into book form.

Also. This manga has some parts that involve sex and blah. Not super intense, but it's there. So if you plain out just don't want to read it due to that, then you don't have to and I appreciate you considering this story. I will, however, put up warnings before anyone gets down that'll look like this:




So this is just an intro and if you have questions, feel free to comment or message me so I can clear things up. Also please comment if you have suggestions to improve my writing! I might not always do them, but they are still greatly -doesn't want to use appreciate again- wanted....oh god english problems.

Anyway, a picture of Sakurakoji is either to your right or you have a click a series of buttons to see it. I've no idea, but if you know where the pictures are stored, it should be there.

I couldn't decide whether to write new stuff or just copy and paste my old little comments to here....but this is the original warnings and credit giving thingies.

~ALL BELONGS TO THE AUTHOR, YUI TOKIYUMI AND ILLUSTRATOR, KANOKO SAKURAKOJI!~ (Plus anyone else who was involved in the making of Black Bird)

There is a world of myth and magic that intersects ours, and only a special few can see it. Misao Harada is one such person, and she wants nothing to do with magical realms. She just wants to have a normal high school life and maybe get a boyfriend. All that changes one day when Misao is attacked by a demon. Her childhood friend Kyo suddenly returns to save her and tends to her cuts- with his tongue! It turns out Misao is the bride of prophecy, whose blood gives power to the demon clan who claims her. But most demons want to keep her power for themselves- by eating her! Now Misao is just trying to stay alive...and decide if she likes it when Kyo licks her wounds. 

So this is originally a manga and I am simply a girl who wanted to turn it into a story. This story will contain scenes that some might see unfit and words in the catagory sex of will be used. If these topics disturb or bother you please do not read. You have been formally warned by me, Ariane, and I will not tolerate any complaints about the content. Thank you to those who will continue on this adventure with me and I'm sorry to those who will not be reading this book due to the content. :)) I'll make sure to post warnings up before the chapter though. ENJOY!!


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