Nurse for a Night (ImmortalAnex) Fluff

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Kevin wrapped his arms around Aleks's waist, sweetly humming in his ear as Aleks twisted and turned in his sleep, groaning in slight agony. He hated seeing Aleks like this, not knowing what was wrong or how to help. Aleks was slightly warmer than usual, his face a little paler too. Kevin had woken up a few hours before to the sound of Aleks's agonizing sobs. Aleks was laying in the edge of the bed, holding his stomach and crying, mumbling 'make it stop' and 'it hurts' over and over. Kevin had gotten him a acid relief pill and two pain killers to ease the pain. Sadly the pills were starting to wear off now, proven by Aleks's new found groaning. Kevin got up slowly, feeling his way to the kitchen to get some more pain killers and make himself some coffee, knowing he was gonna need it for later. As he prepared the coffee, he looked up Aleks's symptoms on the Internet, feeling slightly relieved to find out it was just a bad case of food poisoning or just a weak flu. It was better than something hospital-serious. He poured a cup, looking up as he heard Aleks calling his name from the bedroom. Kevin quickly headed back to his room, giving Aleks the pain killer, which he gladly took. Kevin lied down next to him, lightly rubbing his side to try to calm him down a little. Aleks turned around so he was facing him and curled up, shaking a little in pain. Kevin lightly rubbed Aleks's back, trying his best to to calm the Russian down enough to get some sleep. Aleks mumbled something in a gasp, sitting up. Kevin blinked, lifting up a little too, "What?" he asked softly, tilting his head.  

"B-bathroom" Aleks said quickly, trying to stand. Kevin nodded and stood up, quickly picking him up and carrying him swiftly to the bathroom. Aleks clutched onto Kevin's shirt with a soft death grip as Kevin placed him on his own two feet in the bathroom. Kevin placed a hand gently on his back to steady him as he started swaying alarmingly close to falling. He jerked a little and fell to his knees, frantically pushing the toilet lid and seat up and barfing, missing the bowl by a little at first. Kevin rubbed his back in small circles, trying to stay calm himself, even if the sound and smell made him want to gag.

A few minuets passed before Aleks lifted up, using a towel to wipe his mouth off. He slowly stood, shaking madly with a now empty stomach causing him a numbing pain. He held his stomach as Kevin lead him to the sink and gave him a recyclable cup full of watered down mouth wash. Aleks gladly rinsed his mouth out with it, dying to get the horrible taste out of his mouth as soon as possible. After he finished, Kevin picked him up and carried him back to the room. He buried his face into Kevin's neck, murmuring a 'sorry'. Kevin placed him in the bed, laying next to him again. Aleks curled up near him, falling asleep almost instantly. Kevin smiled, lightly kissing his head and letting himself sleep for a little, hopefully he wakes up by himself instead of by Aleks's sobs.

~The next morning~

10:30 pm

Kevin woke up, getting slightly blinded by the sun rays coming in through the recently opened windows, a soft, cold breeze coming from it. He groaned a little and turned on his side, coming face to face with Aleks's sleepy face smiling at him. Kevin gently smiled, kissing the top of Aleks's head, "How are you feeling?" he asked softly, lightly rubbing his back. Aleks just kissed him on the lips and pulled away, wrapping his arms around his mid torso and mumbled 'better'. Kevin lifted up, bringing Aleks with him, "You hungry?" he asked, Aleks crawling into his lap.

Aleks shook his head, lightly pushing Kevin back down and lying his his head on his chest, "No.. I just want to lay here for a little while longer though.." he murmured, lifting up and kissing Kevin lightly. Kevin gently kissed him back and pulled away, feeling Aleks's head for a temperature. He smiled, noticing how cool Aleks's forehead felt. Aleks blinked, feeling Kevin's, a small smile playing on his lips. 

"What?" Kevin asked, looking down at the other with a confused face.

"Looks like I get to nurse you back to health now" Aleks chimed lightly, getting up.


I don't know anymore.. sue me XD

But I hope you guys liked in none the less

If you want me to write a fluff or smuff (Or a smut. I'm Not good at those though) of your favorite ship, just ask :3

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