No Clothes, No Service(ImmortalFox) Smuff

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Aleks pov

I sat in Eddie's closet, watching him quietly as he edited. I had snuck in to his room while he was taking a shower and hid in his room. I had sent him a text that I was gonna visit him soon and he seemed fairly happy about me coming to give him a bedroom visit.

Eddie  was sitting at his computer, editing a few videos for Pokemon X/Y. As he edited, he looked around every so often,  expecting me to sneak into the room any moment now. He started humming, letting his guard down for a while. He put his head phones on fully, continuing to edit the videos while listening to some music. I snuck out of the closet, walking over to Eddie and wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He jumped a little, taking off his head phones and looking at me with a small smile. I gently pecked his lips, "Hey.." I murmured lightly, smiling a little as he removed my arms and turned to face me, pulling me into his lap gently. 

"Hello~ when'd you get here?" he asked in a smooth tone, gently rubbing my thighs.

I smiled a little, "I was in the closet" I replied softly, kissing his cheek lightly. He gripped my thighs, heating the kiss up a little. I was shocked by how forward he was being and pulled away.

Eddie huffed, "What?" he asked, slowly scooting the chair towards the bed. I didn't respond, I just lightly kissed his cheeks. He stopped moving the chair and started pushing my off of him. I didn't know what he was doing and started freaking out a little at him pushing me off. I tried to grab his shoulders. but I fell back before I could. I girlishly squeaked as I landed on his bed, blinking a little. Eddie giggled at my confusion and crawled on top of me. 

I huffed, "Fuck you and your trickery" I muttered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He pouted, "Can I not have fun?" he asked, leaning down to kiss my neck. 

"You can.. just try not to give me a heart attack in the process" I responded, pulling a hand through his hair as he kissed my  neck. He was silent, most of his concentration was on not giving me a hickey. I gently tugged at his hair, making him pull up. He looked at me for a second before I pulled him into a light kiss, letting him dominate it if he wanted to. He didn't hesitate on doing so either, he lightly rubbed my hips, making his way to unbutton my jeans. I moved my hand that was still in his hair down to his own jeans, slowly unbuttoning them, unlike his hasty attempts at unzipping mine. He started grinding up against me impatiently, deepening the kiss slightly. I moaned past the trying to return the friction. He noticed and held my hips a little more, moving to kiss my neck gently. I started rubbing the bottom of his back, making him calm down.

After a while, Eddie lifted up, parting from kissing my neck to take off his shirt. I lifted up, grabbing the hem of his shirt before he could take it off. He looked at me with a confused look, "What?" he asked as I sat up.

I smiled a little, "I'm not wanting to fuck" I said in a teasing fashion, watching his face go from embarrassed to upset, "Four times a week is more than enough mister"

He huffed in response, "Alright" he leaned over and lightly kissed me. I could immediately tell a difference in his kiss, he was being gentle and didn't try to be pushy. I liked it actually, it was the same as his 'cuddle time' kisses, soft and loving. I kissed him back, leaning forward a little. He pulled away, and hugged me, kissing my cheek.

I smiled a little, "Don't be such a pussy about my rule" I teased, kissing his nose

"I love you're nagging" he said softly , kissing my cheek before pinning me to the bed, "But don't call me a pussy" he added, kissing my forehead and rolling off of me.I just hugged his mid-torso, resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, smiling a little, "Cuddling?" he asked in a childish tone. I nodded, earning a small sigh of delight from him. I'm guessing he gave up on trying to seduce me.

I smiled, nuzzling his chest a little, "Oh, by the way, you'll always be a pussy" I said and chuckled at his pouting noises. 


This took me longer than it should have...

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