Stress Relief

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Hey guys! Here’s a quick oneshot I just had an idea for! Hope you like it!

Stress Relief

The last two weeks have been weird in the flat. Niall has been stressed out with everything going on with the new album. Which I totally get, but he has been such an ass! I’ve been trying to be patient with him, but I’m at my wits end.

Whenever I have tried to calm him down or help him feel less stressed, I’ve just been yelled at. Then he will leave and go have a drink at the bar and not talk to me all night. And whenever I have a question, he answered me in an annoyed tone. I’ve seriously had it.

Now I’m going to go out and blow off some steam and see how he likes it. I can be neglectful too.

I didn’t tell Niall I was going out to dinner with a few of my friends, but he walked in as I putting on my favorite pair of 6 inch red stiletto heels. The red popped against my tight black mid-thigh length dress. It was a nicer restaurant so all the girls were dressing up, otherwise I wouldn’t normally dress like this.

“What are you doing?” Niall asked in an annoyed tone.

"What does it look like I’m doing? Putting my shoes on genius."I snapped back.

You could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

"Where the hell do you think your going dressed like that"
Niall’s annoyance clearly growing, but I didn’t care.

"I’m going to dinner with the girls."
I said as I grabbed my purse off the bed and headed toward the door.

"And when were you gonna tell me you were planning on going out tonight?" Niall asked as he leaned against our bedroom door frame.

“I just did.”I said in a smart ass tone as I pushed passed him and made my way to the front door.

“You’re not just gonna leave without telling me where you’re going (y/n)!” He said as he followed me out of the bedroom.

"You are such a fucking hypocrite Niall! You have been going out drinking almost every night the last two week. And I didn’t have a clue where you were!"

"I’ve been stressed out the last couple of weeks! So sew me for having a drink" He spat out in his Irish tone.

"I’m not just gonna stay here and let you continue to be an asshole to me because you’re stressed out. It stresses me out! So now I’M going to go out, and YOU can wonder where the hell I am. MAYBE I’ll come home, MAYBE I won’t. You’ll just have to wait and see."

I could see Niall’s blood begin to boil in anger. That last comment really pissed him off. Knowing him and his Irish temper, I needed to get out of there.

I grabbed my house keys off of the table and neither one of us said a word. I felt his anger filled eyes watched me as I walked out the door.

30 Minutes later I made it to the restaurant with all my girlfriends.

We all talked and had our dinner.

;After we had been at the restaurant for about 2 hours, I felt my phone go off in me purse. It was a text from Niall.

"When are you gonna be home?"

I didn’t respond. I was still mad at him for the last two weeks.

About 5 minutes later my phone got another text from Niall.

“Where are you?”

once again ignored it.

“Don’t fucking ignore me (y/n)”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2013 ⏰

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