What did you do to me?

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I've been hurt, sometimes really bad, and other just a bit. I've ever been in love with the same person since kindergarten! Then, then I found you, and I think I liked you, quite a lot if I may add. 

You told me I was beautiful when I said I wasn't. You told me that I shouldn't cut,  because its not worth it. If it not worth it, then why'd you leave me? Why did you hurt me? I've tired for days to get over you, trust me i've tried. I can't it's all just too hard.

What did you do to me? I can't really tell, but my friends are telling me i'm going insane...                                                                                                                                  Am I? Was I not good enough? I feel as if I'm not pretty anymore, as if I'm not worth it. That i'm not capable of being loved.

I liked you, I maybe even loved you. I don't know why, but you, you hurt me so much you made it hard to breath. What did I do? Was it all my fault? I just can't help but ask why. The first time I heard some talk about, I thought you were bad news. 

My friend had the biggest crush on you, but I disliked you. Sooner or later my perspective changed. I started to fall for you. Bit by bit. I saw your flaws, but I saw nothing wrong. I never fully showed you who I was, but I can't say you did either.

I told my secrets and I wonder if yours were true. I only knew you through her, and now I wish I didn't. I've been broken before. I've been so hurt I didn't really want to continue. 

Is this honestly for the best? 

Was this the world's way to tell me to get over you?

 I don't think I can! I can't, it's too hard.

My heart hurts, so much. Maybe too much. Why, why do I care so much. It's not like you even liked me. You even told me you liked this girl. This girl named Jennifer. Ugh it even hurts to say her name. I wish I didn't care. I honestly wish that. Another thing, why do I keep repeating myself?

I just want to understand why, you did this. You didn't only do this to me, but to everyone you knew out of her. All ways to talk/contact me, out of the window. All I want to do is cry, but I do enough of that in my head

 When my uncle died you didn't care, you didn't even say sorry. I only told a few select people. Did you know one of them was you? I wonder if someone told you I liked you? Is that why you hate me? Is that why you can't/won't talk to me?

I wonder if everything is ok with you. You don't open up to me, even when I see you hurting. I use to think that everyone else around me was breathing, and I'm the one drowning. 

Until I met you. It all just kinda stopped. 

Of course I still had my problems, they can't just 'disappear'. When I talked to you, I couldn't stop smiling. I even called you once just to see how you sound. You called me sweet, yet you knew it was me the whole time. 

Then one day I saw you crying, but you didn't want to talk about it. Then I realized, I'm not the only one drowning. Neither are you. Everyone else is drowning in their own problems. 

But, when you cut off all connections with me, I felt as if I was drowning again. Oh, then I found out why. It's because I was shit about you. I wasn't, I swear I wasn't! Who told you this, because I want to rip their throat out. Oh and what I'm annoying? Why didn't you just tell me. I could have shut up for god sakes.


How am I getting this upset? Why am I is more of the question. What did you do to me? What have you done to my heart, and to brain. I feel like i'm going insane. I feel like i'm having a heart attack. What did you do to me? I think, I think you broke me. Worse than anyone has ever hurt me. 

You reminded me of something. " Our lives are not measured by how many breaths we take, but how many moments take our breath away." All I can say is you took my breath away, more than anyone has.

A/N :

This story was complete trash... but yea. This actually happened to me, this guy was someone who seemed sweet  but I don't know anymore. So many things remind me of him. And I just feel really hurt. So here you go. Tell me what you thought? Vote and comment. Thanks to my one follower!

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