[1] Catlateral Catastrophe

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It was a pretty normal day in the life of Sean Mcloughlin. At least, it started out that way.

Jack woke up at around noon-ish, like he normally did.

He made a cup of coffee, said goodbye to his beautiful ex-girlfriend.

Then he went upstairs to- 'Wait, WHAT?!?'

I SAID, then he went upstairs to- 'No, no, hold on a second! What do you mean by "EX-girlfriend"?! Me and Signe never broke up! We're perfectly happy-'

Well in MY story, you guys broke up. Now, as I was saying- 'And who gave YOU the right to decide what happens to me and my girlfriend?!'

I did! I'm the narrator of this story! And there can't be girlfriends in a Septiplier story now can there? That just wouldn't make sense. 

'... It's septiplier? Really? Ugh, fine! Do whatever you want. See if I care. It'll never happen, you know! You shippers are all the same! You're rude and weird and disgusting! I hope you rot!!'

The author awoke with a shock, her breathing ragged and unsteady. She hadn't had a nightmare in so long, she almost forgot what it was like to wake up with her heart pounding in her chest. 

She sat up in her bed, trying to recall what was so emotionally devastating in her dream.

She couldn't remember, so she decided to pull out her laptop as a distraction.

Upon opening the device, she remembered that she had closed it in the middle of a really good fanfiction. She decided to continue reading it, and read on for a half-hour or so, feeling somewhat empty inside because of the surprise downer ending it had entailed.

"Another depressing one..." she mumbled in disappointment. She was all for interesting, and even sad stories, but there had been one too many depressing stories lately. She already suffered from clinical depression, she didn't need another story where a girlfriend was bashed or a main character died. It was really weighing her down. One person could only handle so much.

"I need to read something happy..." She thought aloud, something she had been doing for years and never really thought much of.

"I know!" she shouted, a bit louder than intended "I'll go back to that really cute cat story!" 

A good few months ago, she had found a story by one of her favorite authors in which Jacksepticeye had turned into a cat. When she first read it, it only had two chapters and was an ongoing project. She was sure that it would've been done by now, or at least much longer.

She struggled to recall the name of the story, her always being bad with names, and when she finally remembered it, she typed it in on Wattpad. 'catlateral catastrophe' she scribed, hoping that it would be finished by now.

When she clicked on the story, she was fairly disappointed.

It was still in an ongoing state, and had only gained three more chapters. The last update hadn't been for a couple months, and she was worried that maybe the story had been discontinued.

She decided to check up on one of her favorite authors, seeing if the story had been put on hold temporarily. What she seen genuinely made her cry.

I'm leaving the Septiplier fandom. I'm sorry guys. These past 2 or so years have been the craziest of my life, and I'm glad I had some great friends and Septiplites to share it is. You guys know who you are; the nice ones; and I wish you all the best in life!!

 Unfortunately, I've been met lately with only negativity from unexplored parts of the Septiplier fandom. The endless hate and mindless bashing was absolutely appauling. I couldn't believe a fandom once so nice had become a bunch of dramatic, hateful bullies who would openly admit hate to someone who merely expressed their opinions and skills. I just wanted to thank you all for being there for me, and announce that I'm discontinuing all of my current stories. I WILL MISS YOU ALL. Best of luck.

She could feel the hot liquid fall down her cheeks. What was this fandom becoming? Had things really become this low? First people were threatening Signe and Amy for being infatuated with Jack and Mark, then there had been the people who had insulted her just the other day for shipping it at all, claiming that all the fans of that pairing were terrible people and that they were horribly wrong...

Now this?

"No" she said to her own thoughts.

"This can't be how this all ends."

She made the decision then and there that no matter how long this ship may sail and no matter how many fellow fans and shippers fell to the hatred and abandoned her, she would defend the once great community, shrugging away outright haters and trying to inform others of what it was to care for one another regardless of difference in taste. 

She decided that, no matter what happened, she would go down with her ship, keeping the morals of the two people who founded it in mind.

Mark and Jack care dearly for their communities and ALL the people in them, regardless, ship-or-no-ship. And so would she.

She would start by bringing life back to the story she had been so excited to read; Catlateral Catastrophe, by SeptiplierIsMyFire. It was her duty, neigh, her destiny!

And so begins one girls new rendition of a story close to her heart. This is my retelling and continuation of that story. I hope you enjoy, and please, be kind to each other. I love this community and everyone in it, and I plan to keep it that way.

So much love <3 ~Z

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