[2] Doing Damage

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"Three, two, one *clap*" 

Jack clapped his hands in front of the camera, knowing that he would use this to sync up his webcam with the audio from his microphone later when he edited the video. 

He brought up the game, set up all his lights, and got himself ready for recording.

He high-fived in the camera's direction. "TOP of the mornin' to ya laddies! MY name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to Catlateral Damage! Now as strange as it is, a LOT of people have been suggesting that I come back to this game. Normally I wouldn't because I feel like I exhausted the premise of the game in my first two videos,"

Jack clicked the start button, expecting the same polygonal level that he'd played over a year ago, but instead, he saw a black screen with picture instructions on it.  "but apparently, the game is super different now! Actually, when I went to update the game, the file was HUGE! Not that I'm complaining, of course. I'm just sayin'"

He decided to follow the simple instructions as he talked to the camera and put four fingers on the WASD keys and hold down both mouse buttons, unsure why the game would ask such a thing. "Wait, why does it want me to- AAAAUUUGH!!"

A strong electrical current began flowing through his fingers and all throughout his body. The pain was incredible. It felt like his bones were changing shape. His skin and organs burned like fire and if Jack could think clearly while he was in such horrific pain he would've wondered if he had started an actual fire by mistake.

The pain was so immense Jack had to  clench his eyelids shut as he shuttered in complete misery. His body shut down, not knowing how to deal with the trauma it was experiencing. 

When he awoke from his unwelcomed slumber, the pain had subsided and the sun had lowered in the sky.

Jack tried to stand on his two legs but found it to feel much more natural for him on his all fours instead. 'What?! Why can't I stand?' he wondered, looking down at his paws to find out what was wrong. 


'PAWS?!? I have PAWS?!!?!' he screamed mentally as he examined his new body.

Jack had somehow managed to change his hands and feet into furry little paws with toe beans and claws, he had a thick coat of fur covering his entire body and he watched helplessly as his tail swished back and forth behind him.

'HELP!!' Jack tried to call, but instead of words all that came out was a strange low rumble-y noise unlike any a human would make under normal pretences.

Jack looked up at his computer desk, noticing now that he had been changed that the short table towered over him at almost triple his new height. 

He tried to walk towards the desk but instead faceplanted into the carpet below him. He brought himself back up into a standing position and tried to walk again, moving more slowly so to not injure himself further. He continued walking around in a small circle until he had finally gotten the rhythm of it.

Once he was sure he had enough practice walking he decided to walk over to the desk and try to figure out what had happened to him.

Jack subconsciously wiggled his butt a little as he wound up to pounce onto the table above and before he could even realize he was jumping onto his cluttered mess of a desk he had already landed next to his keyboard, spilling his now cold coffee in the process. 'Oops'

He looked at his monitor which was still recording and examined his new form more clearly. 

Jack now had vertical slits of black in the center of his now fully blue eyes. His ears had migrated upwards on his head nd were now tall triangles with green fur covering them at the top. His "cheeks" and mouth were coated in white instead of the light auburn that was coating most of him. He examined his side and saw that there were streaks of grey running through, kinda like his old hair, and his toes and the tip of his tail was also white like his jaw.

'Yep. I'm a cat. Greeeeaaat.' The initial panic had officially worn off now. At this point, Jack was just curious as to how and why this was possible.

He looked at the game he had been playing when this happened and all the screen said now was "You're Welcome" 

'You're welcome! For what?! Turning me into a furry little fish eating mongrel?!' To say Jack was pissed would be the understatement of the century.

'What do I do? What do I do?' he thought, hoping the answer would be obvious if he thought long enough.

He paced back and forth on the floor of his room, still unsure of what would be the next logical step. 

'I know!' he thought 'Maybe Daire can help!' 

Daire was one of Jack's oler brothers and he had recently taken a job at the dock not too far from where Jack lives loading boxes onto delivery ships.

'If anyone can help me, it's him! He'll know what to do... I hope.'

Jack walked over to the door to his recording room and realized there was no way he could unlock it in his current state, so he decided to take the open window instead.

He crawled through the window and jumped down, being quite thankful that the two story drop hadn't injured him. 'Perks of being a cat I guess.'

Landing on the pavement with a gentle thud, he reoriented himself and began the short treck to the pier where he would hopefully be able to find a solution to his current... predicament.


960 Words.

Oh. My. Stars. And. Guarders.

Y'all are the sweetest people to ever walk the planet Earth!!!!

I'm sorry this chapter took so long to update!! For some completely ridiculous reason or another I had managed to convince myself that absolutely nobody wanted to read this and that I was a failure as a writer... But then I come look at the comments on this story and not only are people excited to read this but SeptiplierIsMyFire HERSELF commented on the first part giving me her blesssing to write this and I started crying like a baby!

I'm so thankful for all the support and I hope y'all can forgive me for being such a depressed weirdo who doesn't update nearly enough.

(Oh and as a side note, does anybody know the actual name of Jack's brother? Is it actually Daire? I know about Malcolm but I couldn't find his other brother's name anywhere ^^' And since Malcolm lives in France it wouldn't make sense for him to be in this story lol)

I love you guys, so very much. You have no idea <3 ~Z

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