Chapter 12

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"Come, sit down," Slender said while 'looking' at the papers in front of him, "we have some things that we need to talk about."
You sighed, walking into that male's office, you sat in a crimson leather chair that was placed in front of Slender's desk. Crossing you left leg over your right you leaned into the chair and balanced your head upon your hand which was propped on the armrest.
"It has come to my attention that one of the members of this household have been sending notes to you, and it bothers you, which bothers me," Slender couldn't read your mind like he could with everyone else. Not being able to read a person through their mind worries him but since you helped raised him it bothers him even more.
"In other words I request to know what those letters said and how they make you feel," Slender placed his papers down to 'look' straight at you.
"Who ever is sending the letters seems to have a strong emotional attachment to me... They are stalking me! I don't like it! I want to know who is sending me these freaky ass stalker notes!" You sighed dramatically, having flailed and flopped around during your outbreak you where now sprawled out on the chair.
Slender sighed and rubbed his temple, now remembering why he had hid in his office for the past week.
"(Y/n) I know that you are not used to the housemates that now resign within the house, and I know that you are distressed over the letters but I believe that it is best for your safety and everyone else in the house for you to find an outlet," Slender had picked up a pen and started working on the papers in front of him near the beginning of his turn to speak.
"Oh and what am I supposed to do?!" You snap, nose in the air.
"You can do what you always do, what you do best. You can go out killing, I'll even let you take any household members that you wish with you."
"So I'll be a leader if a hunting party? I'll show all the newbies how it's done old school," a dark smile laced your face as you thought of many sadistic ways of killing.
"Yes you can lead a hunting party of your choice, the members of the house will be lined up at the bottom of the stairs in the front tonight," slender gently paced his pen down and folded his fingers in front of his face.
"What time? Midnight is my favorite time to kill so can you have them all lined up by 11?"
"Yes, just be there before they all dissipate back to what they where doing before."
"Okay!~" you squealed, "Anything else you want to talk about?" You straitened up in your seat to your previous position.
"Actually, I would like to discus two more things, both of which tie into each other," Slender straitened in his seat as well, taking on a more professional posture.
"Hmm? Have at it."
"I'll start with my first point, Zalgo, I fear that he might come and try and attack again. I have feared this for a while now and I'm grateful that you have come back. But there are not enough that are strong enough to fight him if he does return." You shifted as well, taking on a serious face.
"Zalgo has been a problem for so long, why haven't you tried to contact me before?"
"We have, but for some reason the contact seemed severed, and your impossible to track," Slender's shoulders sagged slightly.
"Oh, continue with the first topic."
"As I said, there are not enough members of the house that are strong enough to fight against him, which brings me to my second point. I would like you to pick a few of the pastas in this house to be your proxies." Slender once again straitened.
"You know very well as I that if I am to have proxies that I will want to know each and every pasta's potential, skills, traits, special abilities, etc. before I chose who I want. And I don't want it write. Down I want to see it for myself, in two days I want them all at blue moon field, there I will evaluate them one be one. Unless I already know their abilities, like Sally," Slender nodded his head, and let out a long sigh.
"But with that I would like you to train a handful of pastas that are not going to be your proxies, this handful you will be able to chose as well." You smiled brightly, you would be able to teach again! You loved to help teach Slender when he was a kid, now he was giving you a chance to teach once again!
"After I finish training the group will I chose another handful until every one in the house has been trained by me?"
"Yes, that is how I intend it to work. You can structure training however you see fit."
"Okay, so I eventually train everyone in the house, sweet!" You fist pumped the air.
"Yes but remember why your doing this."
"I know, it's to fight against Zalgo in case he attacks again."
"Yes, now you are dismissed, unless there is things that you wish to discuss."
"Nah, I'm good!" You quickly arose from your chair and darted out the door. Running at a human pace to your room, you had to get ready for tonight after all.
HAHAHA!~ Wish granted~
Here you go another chapter, and it's not late for once! 0w0 yas
Anyway, thanks for commenting on the last chapter, and all the chapters before. It keeps me going when I see all the comments saying to update of just that they like the story.
Love ya all!!! -Luna out🌙

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