Chapter 3

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It's been two weeks since Alpha Spencer has come to stay with us, and tomorrow we would be leaving for Switzerland. Since he had come to stay with us, Spencer and I became good friends, quite often you would be able to find the both of us watching Veep, an American show he had introduced me to.

He showed me pictures of his pack and the vast space of land they occupied, spreading from Northern California into Oregon. It was quite impressive. When he got to a picture of his Beta, I got a funny feeling in my stomach before I quickly pushed it away.

I finish packing everything I will need for the next week and can't help but feel excited. The only other country I have ever been to is Spain, but that was when I was about twelve years old. And now, at twenty-four years old, I would be leaving the UK once again.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I check the time to see that it's barely past 4 in the morning and I groan. We just had to have an early flight didn't we. I brought my bags down to the car waiting outside, and join my family along with Spencer in the backseat.

It was about a two hour drive to Heathrow and I gazed in amazement at all the planes. We checked in and went through security pretty easily before making our way to the gate. Unfortunately there was a mix-up with our tickets, so while my mum, dad, and Alpha Spencer got to sit in First Class, Tom and I had to sit in Economy. How fun. Not.

Throughout the flight there was a baby who kept on screaming and crying while there was no tomorrow and the guy next to me kept on resting his head on my shoulder. No wonder Tom fought to get the window seat. To top it all off, I barely got any sleep so when we got to Zurich, I was, to say the least, not a happy camper.

A car picked us up right outside the airport and drove us deep into the city before dropping us off at the hotel that we were to stay at. We checked in and got our rooms. My parents were staying in a room together while I had to get stuck with Tom. We parted ways with Alpha Spencer as a bellboy led us to our rooms on the sixth floor of the ten storeys tall hotel.

We encountered some humans, but mostly other werewolves, all big leaders.

I settled into Tom and I's room, as everyone went back down to the dining hall to mingle.

"Are you sure you don't want to come down with us Luce?" My mother asked as Tom joined both my parents in the hall.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling too good so I think I'll have an early night," I say, giving her a small smile, "You all go on downstairs and I'll see you tomorrow."

They all nod and head down the hallway and to the elevator as I close and lock the door. I look around the room admiring the good taste in design. I wander into the bathroom and run myself a hot shower. I feel the nausea I had been feeling since the flight pass and I breathe in a sigh of relief. I hated feeling sick.

When I got out of the shower, I put on an old shirt and some shorts before blow drying my hair. It didn't take long before I found myself burrowed under the covers of my bed. Calm surrounded me as I drifted slowly in and out of sleep. I heard Tom come in quietly before I once again passed out.

Around 2 in the morning, I surfaced. My wolf became restless and forced me to wake up. I groaned.

As I got out of bed to stretch, I looked over to Tom's sleeping form. I was surprised his snoring hadn't woken me earlier. I decide to go for a walk down the hall just to stretch my legs and maybe figure out what's got my wolf restless. I grab a sweatshirt from my suitcase and head out. I wander around for a bit but nothing seems to work. I pull up a map on my phone and see that about two miles east of the hotel, the city breaks off into a wooded forest. I head out of the hotel sneaking away to a secluded alleyway before shifting into my wolf.

We glided through back streets and shadows before we got to the forest. I breathed in the surrounding air and weaved in and out, the moonlight hitting the ground every couple steps.

It wasn't long before forced myself away from the woods and back to the hotel. As I snuck out of the elevator and ran to my room I realized I had forgotten to bring a key with me when I had left earlier. I mumbled incoherently to myself, not seeing the figure slowly walking down the hall towards me. Just as I was about to knock on the door, an intoxicating smell filled my nose and I turned around.


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm planning on posting another one this weekend as well  so keep an eye out ;)

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