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And that was the first time i smiled, a real smile. And it's now 12 years later, i'm 26, and i'm married to my beautiful wife and we have 3 kids.

Life does get better, you just have to wait for the better in it. I promise.


Y'all are probably like "Hunty where were you?" And "Tyler you're an asshole."

WELL. I forgot the password to this account and was grounded for 3 months. Fuck my life right?

Because apparently when your parents find an account that i use for stalking with lesbian couple porn type things is so bad. I'm like "Hunty, you've done worse." My dad laughed and my mom was like "Donald this is bad, get serious." My dad didn't ground me my mom did.

And i'm like ugh fuck my life about everything becAuse i cAme on here with 1k notifications, and we're almost at 100k on hospital boy and i'm like "HOLY FUCK."

and i'm pretty close to you guys right? Yeah i guess. Well i'd like to tell you i'm actually transgender. My real name is Tessa and i go by Tyler. LUCKILY. My fam accepts me and i'd like to think of myself as a boy. My pronouns are he/him.

Well by sugar coated Devils. See you in the next book i create.

Fuck i forgot, this is the end.


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