The start of something BIG

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(FANGIRL song is totally me rn XD)

I stayed up all night thinking about this...Vid-con was today I was actually going to go see all my favorite people and the best part no more worrying about school I have decided not to do college since I have enough education for the job of my choice. YouTube!

It was the only thing that kept me going so i believe it should keep me going in the long run! I had everything packed up and ready for the drive to the convention center where it was being held I got in the car super early and started driving I picked up some food from Taco Bell (or somewhere else if you want I'm just hungry for it XD) and got on the freeway.

it wasn't long before I entered the city where I was met with the beautiful sight of the convention center and many people with their friend walking in and out of the building I squealed with excitement as I made my way through the parking lot,I had made my favorite Youtubers their own shirts with their logos and some artwork that I believe reprinted their personalities!

I got my pass on and walked inside the building was HUGE I was dumbfounded by all the booths with people all around.

I turned around to hear screaming of the fangirls "OH MY GOD ITS PEWDIEPIE!" I searched through the crowd of people to see him I was so excited to give him his shirt later but first I need to find my idol senpai,Markiplier before everyone got there.i looked down at my phone to see the time since I knew there was a panel for Mark starting soon, "Oh no!" It was ten minutes before it begins and I can't get through this crowd before then I'm gonna miss seeing Mark live on stage. I still tried to keep my head up and I ran as fast as I could. I got there but the problem was people were already in a huge line I can't get though this to the show! I looked to turn around but before I could think of anything else to do I bumped into someone "oh my god are you okay!" I picked up all my shirts when I noticed the stranger picked it up and was staring at the Markiplier shirt. I looked up at their face and gasped! It was Markiplier I was so dumbfounded I didn't notice him grabbing up my stuff and helping me up "I-I'm so sorry Mark I b-bumped into y-you" I said as I stared into his eyes "it's no problem madam I was trying to get to my panel before it began without me XD" Mark said with a face I could quite describe he looked frazzled like he had seen a ghost or something "so um are you here for the panel I saw you staring at the line..." He asked quickly.

I shook my head yes " I came but the line is too long I'm not gonna make it inside in time. so I was hoping to wait for your signing so I could see you but your here soo..." I said with a sad face.

Mark listened closely and then grabbed something from his back pocket and wrote something on it then proceeded to handing it to me, it was a backstage pass and on the back was his number with a cute smiley face on it as I looked up I saw him look at his watch and his eyes widened "oh no it's about to start now,here come with me I'll show you a spot to sit in." I smiled and walked with him.

I sat in the second row and watched with amazement as he did his thing by the end I saw him pull out a bucket "okay everyone so you all brought in tickets to come here today correct. Well the people who let you in scanned them and numbers with your names came up so now this is the surprise, the person who wins this prize gets to spend a week with me and help me record videos!" Mark said as soon as he stopped talking screaming came rolling from the audience.

Mark laughed as he started to shuffle around in the bucket and pulled a name out "and the winner is FN/MN/LN!" I froze in shock as I heard my name being called out then I saw Mark look to me and smile "come take your prize Y/N!" So I stood up and walked on stage.

Authors note
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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