Chapter 32: Family Day (Part 1)

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Chapter 32:

Lexy’s POV

I’ve been asking Jonathas where we’re going and all he tells me are ‘it’s a secret’ or ‘you’ll find out soon’ which irritated me and made me more curious. Lee’s on his car seat already asleep.

It’s already been 3 hours of drive and we still didn’t arrive. I keep my eyes on the road and listened to the music coming from the radio. In a matter of minutes, I doozed off; wondering where would my mate take us.

Oliver's POV

I was in Lexy's office working on the paper works she left. Same thing, Rogue attacks, call for help or assistance from other packs and even love letters. yes, you heard me. LOVE LETTERS. They still hopped for her hand in marriage. I guess they still dont know about Jonathas.

I mean, i dont blame them. Lexy's beautiful and smart; she got the brains and beauty. who wouldnt want her? Heck! she doesnt even look like she just gave birth to twins...


Just remembering how heart broken she was when she realized that her other son died, it really pained me seeing her so... broken. Yet she stayed strong for Lee, she was a great mom to him. She became his mom and dad at the same time, she gave him everything. I remembered when she told me how happy and peaceful her life was when Lee came in. having a child to welcome you everyday from work removes all the stress you feel. makes you smile and laugh everyday. That's why i cant wait to have my own child in my arms. If it's a boy, i'd be his best friend, i'd take him to see sports games and teach him how to handle a pack. If it's a girl, i'd spoil her rotten, i'd be her very first boyfriend and chase away guys who'd court her. she can date when she's in her 40s or even 50s. as long as i'm here, she's never ganna date.

Weather it's a boy or a girl, i'd love him/her with all my heart and treat him/her the best. i'd be there to see the first time he/she open's his/her eyes, first birthday, first words, first steps, everyday i'd be there for them. Just thinking about having that bundle of joy in my arms with my mate by my side makes me happy.

The door suddenly slowly opened and a pair of gorgeous light brown eyes that seems to take all the stress away connected with mine. I gave her a smile and she closed the door. I watched as she walked toward me, she was wearing her silk, purple night gown that reached just bellow her knees. she was already showing making me smile widder knowing our pup is growing. I pulled her to sit on my lap as i wrapped my arms protectively around her but not too tight just to be safe.

"It's already 11 love, why are you still awake?" i asked as i placed a kiss on her cheek.

"I cant sleep, the bed is too cold." she pouted making me chuckle.

she's so adorable when she does that. i hope our child grows up to be like her.

"Get some rest, you and the baby needs it."

"Come and sleep Oliver, me and the baby can't sleep without you next to us." she pleaded and how could i say 'no' to her.

I gave her a nod and carried her bridal style as we went in our room. i kicked the door closed and lay her gently on our bed. i stripped out of my clothes but left my boxers on as i lay next to her, feeling her warmth, and inhaling that wonderful scent of hers. I kissed her forehead and whisperd,

"Good night love."

"Night Oliver." she yawned and soon after we both fell asleep.

Jonathas's POV

I pulled over near the dock and saw that the yatch was all ready to go. Lexy and Lee was still asleep, just seeing them makes me proud and happy to have a family like them. I went out and opened the door to the front seat, taking Lee ever slowly and carefully from Lexy's hold, not wanting to wake her up. I went in the yatch and settled him in one of the bed, i did the same thing with Lexy and kept them warm with the blanket. After having all our bags in the yatch, i started it and continued to travel to reach our destination.

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