November 23, 2019

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     This was the first day everything began. In New York City, a man was walking around in a mall. This man died in the middle of the mall and another man tried to help him. The first man bit the second man. The second man died and then the chain started. People started dying and coming back. It would have died in New York City if a woman named Melissa Gero wouldn't have gotten on a plane. The plane was going to California. She died on the flight and no one knew. The other people on the plane thought she was asleep. She wasn't though and she came back when the plane landed. People thought she was drunk when she was walking through the airport. That was until she bit and ate a little boy. The little boy came back soon after and pandemonium started. The boy and woman, as things, started biting and making more of them. This multiplied and most of America was dead within a month.
     It took the whole week for the disease to reach my small town. I was with my father, stepmother, Justin, uncle, aunt, and a couple of my father's friends. The first one I ever saw was my father's friend. He went outside to smoke and we heard a scream. We had heard that the things were real and my father's other friend went outside to check on the first one. Then we heard another scream as he was bitten and eaten by the two things. The two screams just brought on a horde of about seven things. We heard them coming. My father instructed everyone to get in the car and drive away before they got there. We all did except for my uncle who took the three things from before off in another direction. I hope he made it out okay.
     I, my stepmother, my aunt, and Justin all drove to an unknown destination. We all had to watch my father be eaten before that though and I knew that he was going to be a thing. My aunt was flipping out the whole way to that destination. She was crying and flipping out. My brother wasn't old enough to register everything that was going on. We stopped three times to get gas and our stepmother "forgot" to pay for it. We rode and then all of a sudden we just stopped. My stepmom just pointed in front of us. In front of us was a horde of about fifty things. My stepmom then silently began to reach in the glove box and pull out five pistols. She handed me two, she kept two and gave my aunt one. I grabbed Justin from his car seat. I got out of the car and I was lucky that the things didn't hear me.
     Being alive doesn't help anything. I wished, at that moment, I was a thing so the other things wouldn't want to eat me. We were going to get past them. We were going to not have to fight them. We were going to be okay without losing anyone. Then I heard a gunshot. The gunshot was from the other side of the car. That was the first time I had to kill anything. One ran for me and Justin. I had to shoot it in the face. The first thing I shot was what used to be a little girl. The girl looked to be about six or seven.
     That's when the rest of them started running after us. Each and every one of them ran faster than a human being normally would. I thought it was over. I thought I, my stepmother, my aunt, and Justin would all be eaten and join this big group. I thought the four of us would eat anything that was alive until there is nothing left. My aunt was eaten first. About thirty of them ran for her and she just stood there. When the first one bit her, she screamed from pain. I could tell she just wanted to die though. She just wanted to die because as soon as the second one bit her, she put the gun to her forehead and pulled the trigger. The only thing we heard was the gunshot and the only thing we saw was all the things go to her dead body.
     That was the first time I met Greg. That's the only reason I didn't kill him that one day at the hotel. After all the things went to my aunt's dead body I heard a sound.
     "Psst," said somebody on one side of a door. Greg then opened the door. He was standing the doorway. He waved me and my brother inside. He tried closing the door. I pushed the door open so my stepmother could come in, too. Greg gave me an angry look.
     My stepmother walked in and I realized that we had lost four people in a matter of a day. That meant we could lose the rest of us by tomorrow.
     I then turned to the Scottish man and I hugged him. "Thank you." Then I let go, leaned out, and reached my hand out to him. "My name is Zeke, and I thank you deeply," I said sounding mature even though I was only sixteen.
     He reached out his hand and shook mine. "Greg and you welcome," he said in a thick Scottish accent, showing me his not knowing of the English language or his not caring for grammar. I hadn't known just yet. "Come on," he said walking through a door.
     I, carrying Justin, and my stepmother followed Greg through a door. We walked down a long narrow hallway. In the room at the end of the hallway was a small group of people. There were two women and two men.
     One of the women was Jessica. Jessica looked to be about thirty years old. She had chestnut brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She is a very beautiful woman. Every guy she probably ever met hit on her and tried to get with her. She was probably a normal girl looking for someone who would actually love her and not use her for her body. The other's name was Taylor. She looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties. She had dirty blonde hair and (I think) emerald eyes. She was even more beautiful than Jessica. She probably got hit on by everybody and she probably would have needed to find someone who loved her. The two men's names were Gene and Grant. They were identical twins. They both didn't talk very much. They both wore the same kind of glasses. They both had jet black hair. The only difference between them was that Gene had sapphire blue eyes and Grant had emerald green eyes.
     "I would like to introduce myself," I said sounding even more mature than earlier, "I'm Zeke and this is my stepmother, Amanda," I said as she bowed a little to show that she was Amanda. "This is Justin," and when I said that, everyone gave him a wave which he returned.
     "How old is he?" asked Taylor.
     "Three and a few months," answered Amanda.
     "How old are you, Zeke?" asked Taylor.
     "Sixteen," I answered.
     "Have you lost anyone?" asked Jessica.
     I and Amanda started crying then. I realized I had lost my father, my aunt, and two of my dad's friends who were around a lot and were considered family. I just held up four fingers. They all just gave the look that everyone gives when they hear of death from someone that doesn't affect them personally. That look of sorrow for a few seconds.
     After we stopped crying, we were asked another question by Taylor. "We were just playing a game, wanna play?" she asked trying to cheer us up. "It works by someone saying a word and the next person has to say a word that has to do with the word before. An example is if the first person says animal, the next person could say any animal."
     "I'll play," I said because it sounded fun.
     "So will I," Amanda said.
     Jessica began, "Love."
     I was next, "Heart."
     Amanda, "Valentine's Day."
     Taylor, "Holiday."
     Gene, "Easter."
     Grant, "Egg."
     Greg was not in the room so we skipped him and it went back to Jessica. "Breakfast."
     Me, "Sausage."
     Amanda, "Meat."
     Taylor, "Vegetables."
     Gene, "Carrot."
     Grant, "Orange."
     Jessica, "Pumpkin."
     Me, "Seeds."
     Amanda, "Apple."
     Taylor, "Poison."
     Gene, "Skull and crossbones."
     Grant, "Pirates."
     Jessica, "Swords."
     Me, "Ninja."
     Amanda, "Black."
     Taylor, "Cats."
     Gene, "Halloween."
     "How does Halloween have to do with cats?" asked Taylor really confused.
     "Black cats on Halloween are bad luck," Grant said smirking slightly.
     Grant, "Candy."
     Jessica, "Bubble gum."
     Me, "Flavors."
     Amanda, "Cherry."
     Taylor, "Slushy."
     Gene, "Ice."
     Grant, "Water."
     Jessica, "Ocean."
     Me, "Orca Whales."
     Amanda, "Black and White."
     Taylor, "Old Television."
     Gene, "Zebra."
     Grant, "Zoo."
     Jessica, "Elephant."
     Me, "Giant."
     Amanda, "Giraffe."
     Taylor, "Yellow."
     Gene, "Bee."
     Grant, "Stinger."
     Jessica, "Hurts like hell."
     Me, "Wasp."
     Amanda, "Insect."
     Taylor, "Eww."
     Gene, "Not a word."
     Grant, "Ain't."
     Jessica, "Grammar."
     Me, "School."
     Amanda, "Teacher."
     Taylor, "Professors."
     Gene, "Science."
     Grant, "Astrology."
     "That's the stars and outer space, right?" asked Jessica.
     I answered before Grant could give a smart ass comment, "Yes," and I gave Grant the look of, 'shut up'.
     Jessica, "Sun."
     Me, "Tan."
     Amanda, "Lotion."
     Taylor, "Bottle."
     Gene, "Shampoo."
     Grant, "Body Wash."
     Jessica, "Shower."
     Me, "Bathroom."
     Amanda, "Perfume."
     Taylor, "Cologne."
     Gene, "Smell."
     Grant, "Senses."
     Jessica, "Sight."
     Me, "Beautiful."
     Amanda, "Butterflies."
     Taylor, "Wings."
     Gene, "Birds."
     Grant, "Eagles."
     Jessica, "America."
     Me, "President."
     Amanda, "Men."
     Taylor, "Been betrayed by so many."
     Gene, "I'm sorry." He says this with sincerity.
     Grant, "Bless you."
     Jessica, "Sneeze."
     Me, "Sound."
     Amanda, "Stomping."
     Taylor, "Tantrum."
     Gene, "Child."
     Grant, "Adult."
     Jessica, "Job."
     Me, "Chef."
     Amanda, "Cook."
     Taylor, "Wife."
     Gene, "Stove."
     Grant, "Grill."
     Jessica, "Sizzle."
     Me, "Bacon."
     And then everyone was so tired, that they fell asleep. I had won. I thought I should have written about this day and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about it sooner. But you'll just have to get over it. This is my first free day in a long time. Everyone got to sleep all day and Felix is asleep beside me as I write this. Nothing happened on June 17, 2020.
     I'll tell you anyway. I woke up at 12:31PM and looked at my sleeping fiancé beside me. I realized that my father and stepfather were homophobic. They would have hated their son proposing to another boy. They wouldn't have wanted that. They would have wanted me to marry someone like Jessica or Taylor. They would have probably been really mad. I would have laughed at them. I would have told them to get over it. I wouldn't have given a single crap about what they thought. I wish they were here. I wish my father were alive and I wish I knew if my stepmother were alive. After this really long thought, I grabbed my journal that I'm writing all of this in. I grabbed one of my pencils and began to write everything from that first day. About to the part where I got to the long game, I got a bag of chips. I ate this bag of chips quickly then returned to my writing. I was really surprised to find that I remembered everyone's answers and remember each person so distinctly.
     I don't even know if they're dead. On December 15, 2019, everybody in that group went on a search for food and water. We were running low. We went to an apartment complex and searched every room. We had found about a bag/can and a bottle of water for every room. There were about thirty rooms. Everyone was surprised that we hadn't found any things. I was holding Justin and everyone but Greg and Jessica went up to look at the last room.
     They unlocked the door. Hundreds of things ran out. They began running to the right. I ran to the left with Justin and the others. I heard screams and moaning. The majority of the things ran for them, but about five ran for us. I heard many gunshots as I ran with Justin in my arms and the others running beside me. I heard moaning and smelled the absolutely gut wrenching smell of rotting flesh. Justin was holding his nose to stop the smell from entering his small nose.
     I just wanted them to leave us alone. I wanted them to chase someone else that wasn't in my group. I and Justin have never been alone. I had been afraid that we would be this time though. I thought that Greg and Jessica would get eaten. I thought me and Justin were going to be alone forever.
     We had been running for what seemed like an hour. I was tired and I knew if I stopped that these things would eat me and Justin. I knew I couldn't do that, but I knew my body couldn't run forever. That was when I saw Felix. He had seen me and the others running down the street. He was by himself. He opened the door and let us in. He didn't have to. He could have just let us die. He could have left us there to die. He could have turned his back and never looked again. He opened it though. He let us inside. He knew that the things would start banging at the door. He didn't care though. He rushed us in and slammed the door.
     I gave a crying Justin to Jessica who loved to hold him. I gave this guy, which seemed to be my age, a huge hug. He was surprised and I didn't let go for a long time.
     I eventually let go and reached out my hand. "My name is Zeke. Thank you so much."
     "I'm Felix."
     Then everyone said their names.
     I then said, "This is Justin," I pointed to my little brother. Justin looked at Felix. He gave him a, "Hi," and a wave.
     "Hi," said Felix and waved back.
     "Where's the back door?" I asked Felix.
     "Back there," he said pointing down a short hallway.
     "Greg, come on," I said as Greg and I pulled out our machete and sword. I had the sword and he had the machete.
     I and Greg walked out the back and around to the front. We surprised the things. There were exactly five of them. I took out an old woman first. Then Greg took out a little girl. Then I a boy. Then I a mom. Then him the dad. That's when we both realized that this was a family. This family had been staying at that hotel.
     I was asking myself a lot of questions now.
     'Why were they all in one room?'
     'Who put them in that room?'
     'Was it meant to be a trap?'
     'If so, by whom?'
     'Is someone hunting us or them or am I just being delusional?'
     'Did someone do it out of kindness because he found them dead and wanted them to all be together?'
     'Why am I asking myself these questions, now?'
     I don't know any of the answers and people probably never will, except for an unknown greater deity.
     Maybe when I die, I'll learn everything.
     Maybe when I die, I'll go to some kind of heaven.
     Maybe when I die, I'll go to some kind of hell.
     Maybe when I die, I'll be gone and I'll just die.
     Sorry for getting off track. What we did for this family is that we gave them a funeral. We buried all the family members in separate holes. Jessica "picked" flowers from a local flower shop. Greg dug the holes. I wrapped the bodies. Felix watched Justin.
     I know I shouldn't have trusted a stranger with him, but to be honest he was super cute. He helped us and he was cute. I didn't think he was gay though. So I didn't tell him.
     The funeral was short. Jessica gave a prayer. Then we put the bodies in the hole and filled the holes.
     Before I go to sleep, I'll finish the day. Felix woke up and I just kissed him. I told him that I never thanked him properly for saving me that day. I made out with him so hard and moaned because I know he loved it. I loved him so much. He kissed me back. I made out with him for so long that I almost fell asleep from being so tired because I had had a long day of writing.
     We eventually just stopped. He went to sleep cuddling and spooning with me.
     I'm going to go to sleep doing the same. I have had a long day of good and bad memories. Goodnight.

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